First grow - help!


Hey, so i recently decided to purchase a few Angelmatic (fem. auto). As it's my first time growing i decided to go the easy and cheap route. I have yet to buy the things i need to get this going so i thought i'd post up my list here to get a few questions answered.

Plan (2 plants):
Indoor grow
for lights i'm going with 250w HPS.
reminder i am going a cheaper route.

All help and tips are welcomed. Pics will be posted once i get up and running.


Well-Known Member
i would go 250 hid...if its an e ballast you can rock mh or hps bulbs. running 5x100w cfls will cost you twice as much to run and you will get better results with a hid. good luck!!


Active Member
CFLs are marginally cheaper but you'll thank yourself for going with a 250w HPS, HID or MH. Get something you can swap the lights out between MH and HPS, because they like one for vegging and the other for flowering. That way you can use the same ballast and shit, just replace the bulb and you get better results.


Active Member
use the 250 hps. its your first grow and you said you wanted it to be inexpensive. there is no need to start buying multiple bulbs. Use a HPS bulb and you will be fine. Also , for your soil i would use the best organic soil you can find and add some worm casting to it. It will help bring nuts to your plant.


250w Hps it is, Thanks for the advice guys. I'll keep you updated on how this goes once i head out to the store and buy the rest of this stuff.