First grow help


Ok so I started growing a plant right now it's a week it's gonna make 2 weeks on Wednesday and I was wondering if my setup is ok

I have 1 cfl light(300w)
Humidity it's 40-55%
Ph level betwen 6-7
And I have a fertilizer test and it's at ideeal
What kinda tips u could give men on growing
Oh and I forgot the only proble is the temp 80-90 degrees it's to high how can I lower it... It's in the closet
Oh and I have a small fan...
Any tips???
Oh and I have no ideea what stream it is so when is it old enough to tell? And can u guys help me identify it... LOL sorry I'm just a newby and I have a lot of question....than for ur help I rlly appreciated


aight i just took some pics... the plant it didn't do so good at the begining cuz i had a 12w fluorescent yeah but anyways shes ( hopefully she) a week and 6 days old( i think) so the only problem i have right now is the temperature...everything els is gr8...(PH 6-7 ,humidity 40-60%, has fresh air ( from vent but w.e ,and a 300w CFL light) oh and one more think what should i do to raise up the chance to have a female ?



Active Member
lose the foil thats what happen to me similar setup but temps were crazy high and 90 degrees it super max between 70-85 degrees is ideal the foil serves as a reflector to the light which increases the temps


Well-Known Member
Foil can cause heat ploblems from what I hear. Never tried it myself. You said you have 1 fan. I a little box like that you will need an intake and exhaust.

They seem to be stretching a little. Move the light to about 2 or 3 in above the plants.

Nothing but TLC will help with getting more females. They are what they are from the begining. So if its male its male. The TLC helps prevent hermies. Stress them as little as possible.

Hope this helps a little.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Go to the FAQ page. Almost all your questions can be answered there. I have come to learn that unless you really have something interesting to say not many people are willing to tell you much. I am still a newbie but for the stats you listed it seems like your doing well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man no-one is helping cuz your doing good. :) So far so good. Like Moto said, read the GrowFaq. upper left on screen. There is a ton of info in there. Everything you need really.
Oh and cph is right, move the light closer. your plant is growing too tall (its called stretching) because its trying to reach up for MORE LIGHT. Thats why you've got it propped up with a stick. When you transplant, bury it deeper, right up to the bottom node. And give it a LITTLE breeze to strengthen the stalk.


thanx man... and i know about the light i used to have a 12w small flourescent light and thats why it streched. I didn't put the light close cuz i was afraid the heat is gonna burn it cuz it was allready 90 degrees in the room.


to comment about your setup thats a str8 setup. i got a similar with fluoros and even though their not the best they can work for any stage. just i woulda planted more seeds or got more from the friend which ever way ytou got this one because if one messes up you still have the other to work with and it gets better in multiples. but good luck man and dont over nutrient it. it will grow bud either way if its female and just this first time watch how the plant grows and the bud spots and keep it under atleast 18 hrs so you can clone it before you flower it.


yo bro i had only 2 seeds....first one died in her first week..the soil was too strong and burned it....but this one managed to survive and its doing gr8...i wish i had more but where i live is hard to get seeds....and i got my 2 seeds from a bud....and i cannot find a clinic where i can get clones or im guessing im gonna have to clone the way when is it onld enought to clone ???