First Grow Help to wire an In-line fan to 3-Pin (UK) plug


Active Member
This is my first post after a few weeks of browsing and using this site as a research tool. I have been following some of the grow journals and have to say, this is an excellent site!

I have taken the plunge and have 2 youn plants growing in a closet (0.78 x 0.47 x 1.7m 400w Grolux Dual Spectrum, Seedling soil still,. The plants have been growing for a little over a week now and i definately have the bug. Love my plants so much its getting rather sad. (yes, i've named them...).

I thought everything was fine and dandy until second set of leaves started clawing downwards and looking sick. As i said, ive been using this site for research and after having a long look around, turns out i've been overloving them with water (n00b ;-)). Dryer now and new growth is now alot better.

however, during my troubled "oh shit they're dying" day, i also brrowed a cheap thermometer . When closet it shut temps reach high (96 - 102). Crap. Currently the now door stays WIIIIIDE open (79 - 83). THis is supposed to be stealth so need to get door shut

Anyway. Im sorry for the long post but i want to get an in line fan to shove at the to of the cupboard. Have found one but have been looking far and wide to figure out how i'm going to connect this to the mains. I want it just to plug in to the 4 way adapter). Can anyone please help. i dont want to blow the house up! Theres some instructions as to how to do this but it says not to hook up to 240 volt system (is this mains)

the fan: - Silent Fan - quiet bathroom extractor fan

Sorry for the long intro. Just hope someone can help a fellow toker. If anyone needs more info, shout and i'll come-a-running.

Shake and bake


Active Member
Oh well. I'm just gonna go for it next week when i get it. I'll post the results and if it works instuctions because the post got a few views...