First Grow - Healthy - No Nutes-Pics Included

With nutes I find it's about not over using them as much as it's about a single brand being good. Expensive doesn't mean more efficient. Although your plants aren't big they are alive.

After growing different types of seed I found regular seed is where I like to go, not auto.

From the look of your plants and what you've posted you have photoperiod (needs 12/12 light to flower). The leaves are not indica (really wide) or sativa (really narrow) which means a hybrid which is normal. The small plant tends towards sativa which take longer to grow. If you pot your plants instead of putting them directly in the ground you can move them inside if you need to.
Should have replied - guys these plants are lottery seeds - I grab pounds and get lucky every now and then so I used em. I left 12 for too long 9 sprouted n croaked. Cringes. I have 0 clue what strain they are. One is possibly Ice Cream Cake, Green Crack or Guava. The girls are baking in 75-95 degrees F, two back to back lightening storms :), I’m near Chicago. Smaller plant is 2 months and bigger is less than 2 months (40-45 days). Ty for the info btw