First Grow, going indoors and outdoors with this one


Well-Known Member
I cant really help ya on the outside nutes.. never toyed there! But man what a difference from the days of the ticks! that thing is a monster now!!!


Well-Known Member
ok well its been a while but i have the lone soldier still standing.

Day 116

View attachment 171330

so i see alote of white hairs so i know she is a true she , the only problem i have is i have been letting it grow almost naturally by only using water and no nutes. She is nice and big no doubt... But i am going for quality for this one and not quantity. So i am looking to get some flowering nutes for outdoors. Any tips on where to get some nutes that are easy to get and use?
check my nutes out, golden grow bloom. There easy and idoit proof.... Org' "food grade nutes" yuv seen the results! Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
I have tried to get some closer shots of the buds starting for you guys, and i had to tie the plant down because it was about a foot taller than my fence and that nosy ass old man neibour is still lerking i bet . enjoy.
plant 2- day 122.jpg

plant 2- day  122.jpg

plant 2- day   122.jpg

plant 2- day    122.jpg



Well-Known Member
Looking good man. What do you plan to do when those babies start budding and stinking up the place? I don't know much about growing outdoors, but I'd assume they would still get REAL smelly. You live in a small community?



Well-Known Member
i live in a city with 3 houses touching my backyard so i am worried this monster is going to stink really bad and might get stolen.. cross your fingers for me.


Well-Known Member
hey gamble, check the tlb social thingie... most of the tlb has moved and there is a lil bread trail there.. email, db, tetra, grnman.. the list goes on and on.. I hope you join us..


Well-Known Member
yo a helicopter just circled my house like 10 times and hovered over my plant..... i ripped it out of the ground and threw it in my shed on one of his circles when he couldnt see me
what the fucks going on man im so nervous now!


Well-Known Member
nothing has happened yet!
im going to trim my pre-mature buds and dry them anyways.
going to roll one big fat cannon.
think it will still get me high?


Active Member
Yea, from what I've seen done, Rubber maid is the way to go.

That would suck if that box caught fire. You come home to see the cops and firetrucks everywhere!


Very very sad too say it; but I unfortuently burnt down my old apartment by growing...when you get hte phone call that you have to leave work cuz you're apartment is on fire and all you can think of is your babies in the mother freaking closet you cry
then you cry some more
but things are better these days; you guys have been an inspiration...I have my own house now and a grow op I look forward to sharing soon
Good luck all