first grow.going extremly well i think?????opinions???


Active Member
first of all let me say thanks for looking at my using 7 cfl 105 watt,one 55 watt,one 42 watt,three 24 watts,and one 14 watt,almost 20,000 biggest plant(far right)is about 33 inches.the one in the middle is ten inches and the one on the left is a clone of the biggest plant and is eleven inches. im groing in soil and use nutes every other day. i use flora nova one part BLOOM plant food(4-8-7)they are on 12/12 and are about 4 weeks into flower. this is my first grow and i think all is well i would like some feedback and opinions about wat u guys think.i have a couple questions about why it seems like it takes so long for such a little change.i have a couple pics but not a good camera sorry i cant get any closer pics without them being blury. thanks in advance.



Active Member
well im in like an efficiancy type of room on the side of the house and have my own a/c and i turn it off at night,but between the hours of 8a.m and 2p.m it gets close to 80 but all other hours it inbetween 66 and 78 degrees.


Well-Known Member
They don't look too bad. I have to ask you have spidermites? Pic 4 looks like the leaves have those tell-tale white spots, from spidermite damage. Hopefully, that's not the case, but I thought I better make sure, before it get's worse. :)


Active Member
wow i just had a heart atack and searched up and down the plants and it turned out it was a peice of lint or cotten but thanks for the concern.


Well-Known Member
Um,....I see hundreds of spots, not just one. Or, am I imagining things?lol Flip over one of those big fan leaves, and look closely. If there's mites, you'll be able to see tiny brownish things moving around, and/or little eggs attached to the leaves. You can never be too careful, with those :)


Well-Known Member
All the leaves are drooping,theres something wrong with the nutes or you hav spidermites. Did you really believe they looked healthy. Im not trying to be a prick but I think there dying.


Active Member
Definitely have mites. And looks like burnt tips, how much you feeding these things ? I dont know if people are trying to NOT hurt your feelings but they look rough dude, quite rough. Spit us out some detailed info as to what youre doin and what type of soil theyre in, food, ph, all that. They need some TLC.


Well-Known Member
not looking so good man, theres definitely a problem here with your plants i cant seem to put the finger on it
at the moment it seems that it could be caused from heat issues, over watering or over feeding

EDIT: i just read that your 4 weeks into flowering, at 4 weeks you should atleast have buds the size of your finger


Active Member
wow i looked under the leaves and i saw little brown spots wat can i do to get rid of the mights and thanks for the help and nun takin to heart can i just wipe them off or do i need a spray?


Active Member
ok so i went online nd searched a million sites about mites and how to get rid of them and one way i found was to spray ur plants with water and soap and rinse them off after words so i did this aswell as sprayed the entire area so well see if worked asnd if they look better in the morning thanks for all the help guys .


Active Member
thanks for everything guys i sprayed the plants with soap and water and rid of almost all mites and put the plants outside and now there thriving if it wasnt for the help of u guys they would of died thanks again for early warning