first grow for us, indoor


My brother and I decided we are going to try to get some green while keeping as much of it as we can in our pocket, very new to this and are looking for advice anywhere we can get it.
- veg room is 3x2 (a closet)
-ducting fan at the top and filtered inlet port at the bottom
- was just going to be small at first so we just purchased a 150 HPS light (werent gonna move it out of the closest) but now we have 6/10 going, and have added 3- 23w CFL and 2-30w cfl and for the flowering room went with 1000watt.... figured go big or go home
- oscillating fan with built in heater, when needed

- flower room (getting set up this weekend) 5x6

right now we are in week 3 since germ and have 6/10, seeds are unknown seeing as it was a variety indoor pack, we chose to go with GH Flora series nutrients, which we have just been following their weekly mixture chart, 18/6 cycle, PPM, PH tester and PH up/down
So far it hasnt been going to bad and no major issues, a little bit of algea but have fixed the problem, the 2 are very slow growing, healthy but short and slow

-looking for any tips/advice, on stuff we should be doing, could be doing better, or shouldnt do



this is what we are using for nutes... seemed to have a decent review. anything else guys/girls we should invest in for nutes?



Well-Known Member
I'd drop it under 6 just cuz of coco....and I'd get coco specific nutes....if u stick with GH is just use Lucas method or kiss method and u just need micro and bloom...8/16 ml


I'd drop it under 6 just cuz of coco....and I'd get coco specific nutes....if u stick with GH is just use Lucas method or kiss method and u just need micro and bloom...8/16 ml
so between 5-6? ok i ordered floralicious and liquid koolbloom, i had heard good things and seen ppl were using it with the GH series. We plan on moving the plants into DWC, carefully cut the pot in half, shake/remove all loose medium and placing in clay and or all all coco medium.


did the flower room this weekend, room is getting a reno in the spring anyways lol figured it would do the job. Needs a few more things but going to put in one more outlet fans and an inlet fan,also a wall mount fan. Other than the floor, door and that little section of wall were the sink was whole room is wrapped in plastic



did first FIM on the 3 strongest, plants seemed to be dealing with it ok. Had an issue with the heater Tstat and it stayed on 30 min longer than it should of and it hurt one of the plants (its the one in the top right) seems to still be gowing.
Question about the last pic, the top of that plant is growing way different than the others, havent topped or FIM'ed it.. just a growth defect?



Took your advice Smoke, dropped pH to 5.3-5.5 plants seem to be loving it
Had issues controling heat at night time in the small closet so we moved it into the other room... since moving th heat is 74-78 depending on house temp and we finally got our humidity up to 40ish%. Built a glass encasement and stand to block out as much heat as possible, with a fan always blowing over it. Light is roughly 16-18 inches away from plants and right now is running at 600watt (MH bulb) dont see the need to go to 1000watts yet. Would like to see them start to stretch. A little nervous about the 2 really short ones were touching soil. Got a much bigger exhaust fan with carbon filter sheets for smell. Also another big change was making a DWC veg system, first 24 hrs plants definitally were stressed but now 48 hrs have passed since putting them in the DWC set up and now that the roots (very white and healthy) are reaching the solution, they have started to come around. QUESTION: from what i gathered should you keep the solution just below the pot 0-1/2 inch? FIM areas also are showing sign of good growth. Also i have been lightly taping the plant/leaves to get the tops to come through, is this a harmful at all? Seems to be working well.

some pics taken just after their dark cycle so they are not perky yet



plants are looking good and are starting to take off now that there is a decent amount of root in the nutes. Still tho would like to see them get taller, must have stunted them maybe. Tomorrow will be the start of week 5 so i will flush and change nutes. seemed to have found a mixture they like pH 5.3-5.6, per 1 gal GH flora series 6ml micro, 8ml grow, 4ml bloom. Will be adding floralicious and a small amunt of kool bloom. PPM 790 +/- 10

some pics
-the close up, can someone help confirm that the plant in the close up is starting to preflower male?



realizing we are going to run out of room and next nutes change we will make a few changes to get more floor space in that room.
plants are growing like crazy since 5 gal buckets, i kind of over did the nutes last week and they started to show signs of nute burn but since new nute change i can see it fading back to a nice green.
would it be worth throwing in our 4 or 5 6500k cfls we have or just let the 1000w hps do its thing?

pics from weekend nute change and today



Ran out of GH nutes and not being able to get more we switched to Advanced nutes pH perfect series with some big bud and Botanicare Cal-Mag. Did some trimming to try and get the growth at the top, the one tho is all over the place with buds everywhere so we are just letting her go.



Well-Known Member
They look great! I like to use the lower bud sites for making dry ice hash for edibles. I know not everyone agrees with this but if you have enough nutrients in there and they are getting light let em grow I say!


thanks man, and I will keep that in mind for sure. Had a hard time cutting what I did, which wasn't too much lol



Two of the plants started throwing out a decent amount of red hairs so we began the flush sometime last week. After seeing the tri-chomes start to change from clear to cloudy we through them into darkness for 72 hours. Tonight we got harvest our first 2 plants felt pretty good to see atleast 2 of them make it start to finish (currently drying). The other two are still on 12/12, one starting to show signs of being ready for her flush and the other she is taking her time. Feeling good about those 2, I feel like they are going to stomp the weight we got tonight. I cant wait to test the cured end result.