First Grow First Post


Active Member
So heres my setup:

4ft x 5.5ft x 8ft grow room.
FFOF soil.
2 x (supposed) Lemon Larry

Each plant is getting 2x 100wat equiv CFL and 2x 75watt equiv CFL.

Currently i do not have an exhaust fan out of this room. There is a vent that is open to the crawl space below the house.

Plants sprouted around Sep 20th.

I had MAJOR PH issues until about November 30th, which caused stunted growth, and almost losing them, which you'll see in the pics.

I do have a few questions, In the more recent pics below, you'll see that some of the leaves are crumpling at the tips. This isn't widespread yet, but i dont want it to be as i plan to start flowering in 3-4 weeks. Since i have alot of headroom, want the plants to reach about 6 ft when flowering. My guess is that they should be 3-4 feet when i start flowering. They are about 2.5 feet now, and i plant to keep topping them to bush them out.

ps. Sorry for being so pic heavy first off, wanted to start a thread before but didn't have the kahunas



Active Member
So i've gotten all 2700k CFL bulbs now. Went to 12/12 lighting on 12/31/12.

These pics were taken yesterday during watering, so 3 days after 12/12, and a pretty good bit of hairs are starting to show.

One question that I do have though. On the more robust plant that i have, I cloned from a majority of the lower shoots. And now since they are 12/12, it seems they've hit a growth spurt. It now appears as if i could take at least 4-5 more clones, just cleaning up the lower 1/3 of the plant.

If i clip the bottom 1/3 of the plant cleaning up for flowering, would i be able to clone those clippins and throw them in 24/0 light?

And please feel free to post / questions / guide me if i'm doing something blatantly wrong.



Active Member
Just watered and fed with bloom nutes for the first time. I picked up some Dyna Grow Bloom (3-12-6) yesterday.

I mixed 1/2 recommended dose on bottle and fed each plant 1 gal. Recommended was 1 tsp / gallon of water.

The plants have noticeably started stretching. Last night around 12:00PM i adjusted the lights before going to bed, only to wake up to the both plants growing into the CFL bulbs.

I done a quick measure to better document the stages. Plant 1 is 31" from top of dirt to tip of tallest top, plant 2 is 30" from top of dirt to tip of tallest top.

I've also had a recent light update (1 bulb on the 4th and 2 more bulbs on the 5th) for the grow room, added 3x 65 actual watt 2700k bulb. Even with only a few days passing i can really tell the difference they are making.

In pics below, Plant 1 is images 1-10, Plant 2 is images 11-15

Plant 1:

Plant 2:


Active Member
Watered and fed bloom nutes again. This time i upped the dosage of nutes.

I dont want to end up burning them, but they dont seem to be showing any sign of nute overdose, which leads me to believe that they can handle even more.

I'm currently feeding each plant 1gal of water, with 1 tsp of the bloom nutes noted in previous post. They are really coming along now and i am beginning to see resin glands forming on the leaves by the buds.

This is getting me very excited, Its hard for me not to sit and stare at them for hours on end :lol:. And every time I look at them, its seems as if they've changed.



Well-Known Member
Nice work with cfls. Adding some dolomite lime to ffof adds some ph stability but it looks like you got that under control. I'm along for the ride to see what you get in the end.


Active Member
Thanks guys. I'll look into the dolomite lime, as my runoff ph for last watering was a little low (around 5.8-6).

Heres a peek at the veg room.

All clones here were taken on 12-26, and have exploded since.



Active Member
Bud One:


Bud Two:

Bud Three:

Bud Four:

These aren't the main tops, rather the biggest bud bearing tops so far.


Active Member
I was trying to get alot of the same pics, so i can have a day by day progression and sorta watch the resin glands arise.

In the first pic below, the stem that is the deep red is the one that is going to the fan leaf for that node. My temps are dropping into mid-low 50s during lights off. Would the redding be because of the temps?

I believe that my nute feeding schedule and amounts should keep the defs in order.




Active Member
I see what your talking about now man. I can see those little things growing little by little. Def may be frostier then the berry being as its only day 18. I don't know about the redding though. i know the 10 degree drop is how the plant gets its color tint i believe. but are your leaves below that dying? if not its prolly nothing.


Active Member

  • but are your leaves below that dying?​

Na, none of the leaves are showing any sign of any stress. it looks in very good health.

I'll upload more pics this evening when the lights come on. I'll include some full plant shots as i'll be bringing them out of the room for watering.


Active Member
Got a feeding today, a little different on the dosage of nutes. Since the fert i'm using lowers the ph like crazy, I just used however much it took to get the ph of my tap water to 6.2, then flushed each plant with 2.5 gallons each.

In the couple of pics below, i started getting worried that I found a seed pod, but then noticed the long as hair protruding.

You can see i obviously have the small plant in a pot that is too small. Will it make any difference at this point to transplant it?



Active Member
The multitude of tops are becoming visible now on a wide shot.

One of my 65w CFLs stopped working so now, one portion gets significantly less light. On a good note, I've recently gotten the funds to purchase a HPS setup. Considering either a 600w or 1kw. My ability to ventilate is really going to be my determining factor there.

First of all, i'm located in the south east US, temps here during winter average high 20s to mid 30s at night, and mid 40s to 50s during the day. Summers variate alot, but i haven't had the growroom in the summer, so i'm not sure how well the floor vent would work with a HID light during the summer.

Whats going to be installed this weekend.will be a 6in 250cfm fan that exhausts air from the top of the room into the attic. The exhaust will be through a DIY carbon filter (Not sure if it will even provide odor control, See below). Then air will travel through 250cfm fan. And finally the air will exit the ducting through another filter and into the attic. I have vent into the grow room floor that is open to under my house. There is usually cool dry air under there, as you will be able to tell in the pics of the thermo i'm using. There will also be cracks for air from the rest of the house to enter the grow room.

2x 23.8" x 20.5" x .2" carbon pre-filter from lowes
6in aluminum ' T '
2' wide chicken wire
2x6" aluminum caps.

Run a loop of the chicken wire around the ends of the ' T ', putting caps in each. Then wrap the carbon filter around the chicken wire.

Given these conditions, would anyone have any advice as to which size light i should go with, or start with better ventilation, or maybe even odor control. I believe i'm fixing to have some reeking shit on my hands, and dont wanna end up blowing it on smell. I'd reek out my house and keep everyone out for 2 more months if needed, lol.

You can see a start of a problem in the first pic. bout 95% sure its from lockout of ph being too low. Runoff for most recent watering was a little lower than acceptable.



Active Member
As i sit here rolling a joint of hay, i pray to the pot gods that this finishes quickly.

Also i got a wicked lighting upgrade (ballast coming tuesday), but unfortunately, wont be able to get it installed and everything till probably next weekend. Its KILLING me seeing it set in the living room floor (I leave it there for motivation).




Active Member
+Rep to a friend that crawls over blown insulation through your attic to build and run a hidden ventilation system.



Active Member
Bud porn for today. Since recent renovations the plants got placed back inside facing the opposite direction, so we get a few good close ups of previously un-macro'd buds.

Thanks to a friend for the help, this will be the last day cycle under CFL's. Picking up my 1kw HPS ballast. Ventilation complete. Only time left and its killing me.

Also the canopy shots are from a different vantage point. Images 4-6 are of the largest & frostiest bud on the largest plant.



Looking really good. I feel you on waiting for upgrades to get to you. I have had my lighting and venting system ready to go but had to return a tent and am waiting for the new one to arrive. It is killing me, I just want to put it all together.