First grow, first question


New Member
I'm growing Hazeman Mikado and Hazemans Nevilles skunk #1. I am on day 12 and I honestly dont think my plants look right. I plan on keeping two indoors and just starting the other four indoors and transplanting outdoors and
I think am running into ph issues with my indoor grow. I'm growing in soil and the soil I am using is the Kelloggs raised bed mix. I read alot of people use it as is from sprout on if they cant source patio plus but my mix seems to have a pretty high ph. I use water thats 6.5 but when I test the soil of course it turns a nasty indescribable color not on the chart but I would say its trying to show up greater than 7.5, the highest it reads, and what Kelloggs claims 6.5-7.5).

Do I still need to worry about ph in my soil even if my water is good? How can I amend it when my plants are already potted if so? And is having a 6.5 water source going to even alter the supposed 7.5 even temporarily? You would think it would but according to the kits chart it looks even greater than 7.5. Ordered a digi on Amazon but shipping is pushed back and is goimg to take two damn weeks.

First two are the Mikados. Last two Nevilles out of the last four are three days younger actually.


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Active Member
I'm growing Hazeman Mikado and Hazemans Nevilles skunk #1. I am on day 12 and I honestly dont think my plants look right. I plan on keeping two indoors and just starting the other four indoors and transplanting outdoors and
I think am running into ph issues with my indoor grow. I'm growing in soil and the soil I am using is the Kelloggs raised bed mix. I read alot of people use it as is from sprout on if they cant source patio plus but my mix seems to have a pretty high ph. I use water thats 6.5 but when I test the soil of course it turns a nasty indescribable color not on the chart but I would say its trying to show up greater than 7.5, the highest it reads, and what Kelloggs claims 6.5-7.5).

Do I still need to worry about ph in my soil even if my water is good? How can I amend it when my plants are already potted if so? And is having a 6.5 water source going to even alter the supposed 7.5 even temporarily? You would think it would but according to the kits chart it looks even greater than 7.5. Ordered a digi on Amazon but shipping is pushed back and is goimg to take two damn weeks.

First two are the Mikados. Last two Nevilles out of the last four are three days younger actually.
Don't quote me on this but I really don't think ph for seedlings that tiny matters, they all look fine to me except the first one kinda droopy. Possibly Overwatered? Did you feed them yet?


New Member
No nutes and watering is done every other day or more as needed. The soil looks dark but its just dark soil even when just lightly moist. When it dries it does turn a funny dark greyish brown which is a pretty nifty unintentional indicator. That being said I have no clue why the two are drooping like that. That first one, jeeze, it was a huge seed and germed first. 24 hour with a huge taproot. Then it started its first set of serrated leaves and the one just came out deformed.

I guess you gotta zoom or view on a PC. There is some brownish spotting and some on the tips. I tried to get a good pic but there is mild yellowing on some leaves both old and new growth. I also google around and see most plants at 12 days much bigger with more nodes and leaves which worries me that my ph could be stunting them. Temps go between 75 and 80 with lights on. 70-75 lights off. Started with a 20/4 cycle and bumped it down to a 18/6.

Using a Mars 300 w.(5 watt led version) at 24". Got a second in the mail and since I got a good outdoor spot I only plan to do two plants under them.

Here is a better pic. The one you pointed out is in the middle back. It just started drooping this afternoon too and hasnt been watered for two days. The middle front has actually been like that, worse than the other, for a few days.


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Active Member
No nutes and watering is done every other day or more as needed. The soil looks dark but its just dark soil even when just lightly moist. When it dries it does turn a funny dark greyish brown which is a pretty nifty unintentional indicator. That being said I have no clue why the two are drooping like that. That first one, jeeze, it was a huge seed and germed first. 24 hour with a huge taproot. Then it started its first set of serrated leaves and the one just came out deformed.

I guess you gotta zoom or view on a PC. There is some brownish spotting and some on the tips. I tried to get a good pic but there is mild yellowing on some leaves both old and new growth. I also google around and see most plants at 12 days much bigger with more nodes and leaves which worries me that my ph could be stunting them. Temps go between 75 and 80 with lights on. 70-75 lights off. Started with a 20/4 cycle and bumped it down to a 18/6.

Using a Mars 300 w.(5 watt led version) at 24". Got a second in the mail and since I got a good outdoor spot I only plan to do two plants under them.
Okay it's good that you didn't feed them yet, I waited until they had a few sets of leaves.. I posted a lot of threads in the past about my plants being small for their age, I had some shrivel on their first sets of leaves and it wasn't "normal" but I just worried about them too much, if you are going to ph the water I believe it's the same for clones.. 5.5. Just chill and "don't over love your plants" best advice I got as a noob.. over loving could possibly kill your crop


New Member
Thanks. My anxiety the last few years kicks my ass and I start to get worried about shit pretty easy. Used to just not care and let life carry me through. Damn those days felt good. I guess this is technically my second grow. My first just kinda doesn't count seeing it was one seed out of a quap of Black Jack. Figured shit why not? But yeah, I loved it too damn much so I hope I learned that lesson because it lasted 7 days.

The cotys on the first three yellowed and fell off already. I was thinking it was probably just their time but thats when I seen more yellowing on other leaves so possibly nute burn then I read that starts at the bottom. Well new growth yellowed too but I started with cfls the first 7 days and my LEDs are 24" so who knows because yellow fresh growth is too close to lights so....?

I figured I would start troubleshooting with the ph since thats what I can test for at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Seems like your soil may be high in nittogen. I think once the plants get old enough they should level out.


New Member
Thats what I am thinking now. Everyone swears its a good starting medium but I think I got a hot batch. To add to the bs my bag of Kelloggs had giant shreds of mulch, not wood fines as they say, but huge shreds. Figured I would email them to see if they changed recipes and they said its definitely not normal to have so much wood in the bags so they're sending me a I used a bucket with holes drilled in to sift finer stuff out and seperate it. What are the odds the whole bags off and its a hot bag? Looking pretty high I guess. lol!

I just hope its not too hot that it kills them before they grow into it.

Actually, dont they sometimes droop like that with nite toxicity too?

Tell you what though, that Mik with the gimp leaf is danking strong already.


Active Member
Thanks. My anxiety the last few years kicks my ass and I start to get worried about shit pretty easy. Used to just not care and let life carry me through. Damn those days felt good. I guess this is technically my second grow. My first just kinda doesn't count seeing it was one seed out of a quap of Black Jack. Figured shit why not? But yeah, I loved it too damn much so I hope I learned that lesson because it lasted 7 days.

The cotys on the first three yellowed and fell off already. I was thinking it was probably just their time but thats when I seen more yellowing on other leaves so possibly nute burn then I read that starts at the bottom. Well new growth yellowed too but I started with cfls the first 7 days and my LEDs are 24" so who knows because yellow fresh growth is too close to lights so....?

I figured I would start troubleshooting with the ph since thats what I can test for at the moment.
It's normal for the cotyledons to yellow and eventually die off but that's once new leaves grow and they become inferior to the new leaves but one thing I'm going to tell you now is that people do a ton irrelevant things to their plants just making it all the more complicated most in which don't even matter, hope it helps Goodluck with the grow bongsmilie
P.S you will live & learn as you go along