First Grow.. First Post.. N00b Questions


Active Member
just started my actual build.. ill post pics later tonight.. but i used a little smaller bins then Jethro did in his setup because i coulnt fit the other ones in the space i have to work with

we will see


Just some idiot
Rep. Jethro, in the upper right corner of a post you will see scales click on them and give JT some rep.

Rep. is a good way to gauge how knowledgable a member is.


Active Member
Rep. Jethro, in the upper right corner of a post you will see scales click on them and give JT some rep.

Rep. is a good way to gauge how knowledgeable a member is.

Rep'd him .. thanks for the info .. i dint know about Reping

as for the build

heres some pics of my build so far

Pic1: Mated the bins
Pic2: drawer style bin I'm going to put underneath for supplies and for the Power Supply Unit
Pic3:120mm 78cfm Exhaust fan

Now time to go smoke a :joint: and then bed... so i can build more tomorrow.



Active Member
Looking good so far.
thanks.. hey 1 more question before i go ... do what we do .. lol

you know how JT has 2 intake fans( 80mm) on the bottom... wel what abnout (1) 80mm fan thats REALLY high power.. it has a knob to adjust the speed and everything..

its more CFM then the 120 mm 78 cfm one i have for exhauset.. then that would leave me 4 fans for the leave blowing inside...

any thoughts


Active Member
any ideas on the fans guys.. I'm about to install the rest .. and don't want to be stuck having to go buy a fan because i already installed one somewhere else..

and also .. like i said above i have Dr.Atomic Northern Lights it says 8 weeks of flowering... for some reason i thought that meant that it takes 8 weeks from seedling to harvest.. what can i expect for time before flowering 1 month or less?

Is there any way to speed this process up .. or do you sacrifice alot of budd?


Well-Known Member
u can just wak them into flowering at about 3 week old 2 ceeo them smaller.
ntsure if u sacrafice bud bt id imge u wd get mre if u leave veg for longer.
and lowryder2 take 8 weeks from seed 2 harvest nd there small think abou them in future espec if uonly wnt a personal stash around an oz of each LR2

bush basher

Well-Known Member
i started flowering at 4 wks and my plants 30" now, good job i started in a wardrobe. 1 125w enviro red spectrum check the link in my sig to see the progress.


Active Member
u can just wak them into flowering at about 3 week old 2 ceeo them smaller.
ntsure if u sacrafice bud bt id imge u wd get mre if u leave veg for longer.
and lowryder2 take 8 weeks from seed 2 harvest nd there small think abou them in future espec if uonly wnt a personal stash around an oz of each LR2

wow.. that hurt to read.. i think i got it tho .. thanks for the info


Active Member
well i just about finished the buildup...

All i need right now is SOIL and Mylar (Reflective stuff)

does anyone have any ideas what i can use to wrap the whole inside with that is both reflective and easy to find.. is the Mylar stuff easy to find @ like home depot and such?

Also .. whats the best soil mixtures to use.. or should i just grab a bag of potting soil?

Lastly, figure ill be ready to go by Friday ... I'm going to pop the seeds in tonight or tomorrow into the paper towels to germinate.. then ill get the soil and such ready .. Question i 'm having is how long is the Vegetative part take? because I'm moving in November... and i don't want to have to move the plants right before harvest. the Flowering stage is apparently 8 weeks on these seeds...

Pics of the buildup attached.. let me know what you guys think



Well-Known Member
Hey, do you need that video card?
Nice to see a fellow geek!

Mylar is good and easy to find, its xmas wrapping paper, get the diamond patterns, I've been told its better than plain.

As for soil, DO NOT get miracle grow, I've used Scotts and it seems to be the best so far.

You can veg for as long as you like if its indica. But the longer you veg the more you'll yield.
You go directly to the flowering stage if you have a ton of seeds.

I would get more lights IMO


Active Member
Hey, do you need that video card?
Nice to see a fellow geek!

Mylar is good and easy to find, its xmas wrapping paper, get the diamond patterns, I've been told its better than plain.

As for soil, DO NOT get miracle grow, I've used Scotts and it seems to be the best so far.

You can veg for as long as you like if its indica. But the longer you veg the more you'll yield.
You go directly to the flowering stage if you have a ton of seeds.

I would get more lights IMO
Unemploymentdude; the vid card is dead now.. i have a few tho ill look what i have and PM you tomorrow... good to see a fellow geek too

As for the soil... thanks for the heads up .. any certain mixtures? i heard something about soil containing or adding Vermiculite.. any knowledge of this?

About the Vegitation

its Dr. Atomic.. northern lights.. i believe its a indica blend.. ( someone please let me know)

"You go directly to the flowering stage if you have a ton of seeds."

what does that mean exactly.. more info if ya can


ya those ar just the ballasts.. i just put the lights in there for now.. im going to either buy a few 2 bulb adapters for each socket (4 CFL's total) .. or add another ballast to the center ?( 3 CFL's total)...

Hmm maybe i can even do both and have 6 ballast.. add another single ballast and split that too lol
is 6 lights too much?

thanks for all the help
now to goto sleep after a :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if someone already mentioned this, but...

You can usually flower a plant after it grows to about a foot or a little over. As long as there hasn't been much spacing and stretching between the nodes. You'll know it can be flowered when you see the branches that usually come out directly on opposite sides from each other starting to branch out differently in relation to each other.

Like this (ignore the horizontal lines- it won't allow me to indent the characters properly without it):

As opposed to this:
---- | ----
---- | ----

Also, be sure if when getting reflective wrapping paper that it is the proper material. A lot of it is not Mylar, and will absorb a lot of light. So look carefully when buying- you should be able to see yourself almost perfectly in it when flat. You don't necessarily need Mylar, if you find it difficult to come by. You can just paint the inside of your growbox white, and it has almost the same reflectivity. Seriously.

Lastly, you need not worry about the smell for a long time. During vegetation, the plants usually don't have much of an odour at all, though it depends on the strain. During flowering, it's often very easy to mask the smell of one small plant. In fact, no one will probably even be able to smell it outside of the room it's in until it's almost ready to harvest. But you look like you know what you're doing as far as wiring goes, so prepare beforehand if it suits you. Air circulation is incredibly essential, especially early on, I've learned. Even a little bit helps strengthen stems more than you'd think.

You're well on your way.


Well-Known Member
Man, you can never have too much light. The older they are the more light they need.

The soil, yeah I prefer perlite opposed to vermiculite since it holds oxygen and water, not as much, but it does. And doesnt effect the PH level.

I ment that indica plants will grow and become bigger even in the flowering stage. Unlike sativa strains. So if you have a ton of seeds you can just skip the veg cycle and flower from start until harvest. also known as SOG.
But since you have 4 months, I'd go with vegging with 1.5 months then flowering.

Ethno is right, you can just paint the interior.


Well-Known Member
if i was you i would add perlite or vacumate about 1/4. and 3/4 soil . do you have john immse soil over there? i use a bit of j.h no 2 and j.h. no 3 when im potting on for flowering.there like numbered, no 1 is for seeds cutting ect, no2 is for next stage,like vegg and no 3 has a little sand pebbles ect for the last stage... but i also add perlite it hold loads of water .but if you get any wet it b4 use, cos its made from a volcanic glass, and the bits get in the air . dont breath this stuff in.


Well-Known Member
I personally stopped using perlite because I noticed that it tended to grow bacteria and such like no other. Especially green aspergilis, which is not good.
Has anyone else had this problem?



Active Member
broke a few fins off of my 120mm exhaust fan today.. kind of sucks... i am trying ot use glue to put them back on .. but the balance is off now in the fan.. hopefully they will stay on long enough to get a replacement..

I'm going to start a Grow Log being its a pretty decent strain

Dr. Atomic Norther Lights

Wish Me Luck

Now im going to go roll one.. post the grow log and :joint: