First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w


Active Member
hey what seed bank do you use? and what is the matting on the walls? is it just tin foil? when should i transplant from small pots to big ones like that.
attitude,i just suggest using money order or cash..but there great. also i was going to tell u i seen a pic of your shit,get the foil out and replace is with mylar(what i have) its like 94% reflective and dont make hot spots..if you cant get any use flat white paint or postar board. as far as transplanting i kinds just tug on the mess wit them and when i see a root ball i transplant them..but i think its safe to say once you have a few nodes its time to transplant
attitude,i just suggest using money order or cash..but there great. also i was going to tell u i seen a pic of your shit,get the foil out and replace is with mylar(what i have) its like 94% reflective and dont make hot spots..if you cant get any use flat white paint or postar board. as far as transplanting i kinds just tug on the mess wit them and when i see a root ball i transplant them..but i think its safe to say once you have a few nodes its time to transplant
OK...Thanks man! you've been a great help!...I hope you are ready for some more questions later haha...+rep :bigjoint:


Active Member
ok well quick update on their progress. i didnt get time to post a proper update this week cause of my slave labor job,but this weds def will have pics. i just took them out to feed and water ,its been about 2 days since the last watering. and today they dont look that great,real droopy, leaves and stems the lemon skunk got reall yellow and is floppy.. and thats after adding 1/2 stength cal-mag,1/4 strenth grow big and almost full strength tiger bloom. so just now i left out the grow big and did full strength cal-mag and full strength tiger bloom, i ph'd the it all and let them soak it up. ill know if it made it better tomorrow night,or worse for that matter..fingers crossed!


Active Member
ok well i been having some yellowing issues. i tryed some cal-mag in along with the reg feeding i seen it only got worse,i thought it just maybe be me hitting them to hard wit the high P,and ther just straight lacking last night flushed all 4 of them(even tho the trainwreck is almost in perfect health) it didnt seem like there was any salt buildup in there,all the run off was just as clear and clean as the watter going in. after the flush i gave them a little bit more cal-mag(like 1/3 suggested strength) and a regular dose of grow big to get some nitrogen in there..that was only late last night so they only been soaking up the light for 2 or 3 hours right now,at first glance they look better,but after taking them out and taking the pics and what not they look about the same.

some of the leaves have some claw/ cupping down going on,some have little brown tips ..there just all reacting difrently to the feeding and its hard to keep up with all of itt. but i think they will be ok,i have faith in my girls.
im eventualy going to get a better camera,i cant get detailed flicks of the pre flowers wit this one,but there begining to crystalize and the hairs are just going wild...also i havnt seen much of a dif in their growth rate or anything since ive been using the diy co2 bottles,maybe i need more?

here they are,evryone tell me what u think!


could you post a pic of where you have your humidifier i wanna try to suspend mine just wanna see how you did it thanks BTW nice looking plants


Well-Known Member
hello just found your journal, i see tons of people start off with cfl, get hid then burn the shit out of them. lucky for you they came back. i burnt the piss out of mine the other day. killed like half of it. your girls look very nice. your doing a great job. keep it up. what you looking at for a time period now.


Well-Known Member
hello just found your journal, i see tons of people start off with cfl, get hid then burn the shit out of them. lucky for you they came back. i burnt the piss out of mine the other day. killed like half of it. your girls look very nice. your doing a great job. keep it up. what you looking at for a time period now.

ok sorry i see it now flower day 22


Active Member
what up bro, i think you may be having the same problem as me, light penetration or lack thereof, i wouldnt worry over much about the leafs lost, just hit them with a coulpe feedings of grow big along with thier usual tigerbloom big bloom mix and they will green up and be fine, gently tug on those yellow leafes and pull the lose ones off or you may end up with mold. good luck man.


Active Member
oh and can i get a few pics of the trainwreack? i belive one of my random seed plants may be a tw just want to see yours in detail to see if its real close.


Active Member
this is the trainwreck,i can teke some more pics later for you
can you tell me how close this one is to the leaf shap and bud structure of yours?

these pics were taken 21st day of flower, 18 scince first sighting of pistils on her.



Active Member
can you tell me how close this one is to the leaf shap and bud structure of yours?

these pics were taken 21st day of flower, 18 scince first sighting of pistils on her.

it looks alot like it but i dont want to say 100%,mine and others ive seen are like real floppy and mine was a much lighter shade of green than that.but the leaves look almost exactly the same,shape and margins and what not. healthy happy plant reguardless :bigjoint:


Active Member
it looks alot like it but i dont want to say 100%,mine and others ive seen are like real floppy and mine was a much lighter shade of green than that.but the leaves look almost exactly the same,shape and margins and what not. healthy happy plant reguardless :bigjoint:
im pretty sure that this plant and the other that was a male are the 2 that came out of that tw sack i got like 6 months ago, it may be a hybrid of some sort, or the darker shade of green may be my camera or how i keep them just at the egde of nute burn. thanks for your thoughts on it.


Active Member
this is just a few quick pics of what my boy gave me this morning..
full update tomorrow
as you can clearly see im using my old laptop for a heating mat till i get one(it broke down cause of a factory heat over heating issue:mrgreen:)
looking deliciuos man! thats a forest if ive ever seen one.