Hey Howard. I've done some research on root bound. It isn't a uncureable problem. Root pruning in gardening is a very common practice. If your bubbas are root bound, simply take them out of the pot, and cut off half or a third of the root ball. Ruff up the rootball a bit, rub some soil on the bottom, then replant. Best to put in a larger container, but I know your strapped for space in your veg box, so just replant in the same planter with new soil at the bottom. The roots will grow again, contrary to what many say on this board. I've come up with the term "stoner misnomer" for the misinformation that seems to fly around these boards. No need to cut all or most of the roots off. Here's a simple vid that explains:
I accidently did this with my two plant when transplanting. I ripped out about third of the bottom roots due to the heavy watered soil. I thought I killed it, but three days laters my girls shot the fuck up and have never looked better. It works bro.