First grow, first journal (Acid, Nebula, Purple Haze and Royal Dwarf)


Thanks man I appreciate all that information, im going to try today and begin the scrog process. Just not sure how I should do it at this point. But I need to, I noticed the bottom leaves on the Nebula plant are very droopy, is that lack of light?


Well-Known Member
Could be not enough water...too much water....You want to let the soil almost dry out before watering. This helps the roots to grow.

Put the screen about 6in-12in above the plant, so the plant is laying on its side. I prefer 6in. It may freak you out to do this, but trust me it's worth it. You want to set it up with keeping in mind how you will access the plants for pruning, watering, harvest, etc. Keep the plants under the screen until the screen is about 40% full. Then switch to 12/12 and the plants will fill the rest of the screen. They will want to grow above the screen but don't let them until 12/12.

Check this link all of it if you can. If not just read the scrog and other portions you want.