First grow, first flowering, first post :D

I've been looking around the forums for a while and I finally got off my lazy butt and took a picture of one of my girls.
I started with a handful of seeds from an ounce I got a while back.
Germinated most of them in a moist paper towel and planted them.
Since then I've been reading here and upgrading and learning.
What started with just letting the sun do whatever turned into a nice little closet grow.
I now have 6 42W CFLs for 4 plants each plant has at least 2 of the bulbs near it.
I have constant airflow through 2 fans, intake and exhaust.
I just threw together a whole bunch of soil crap I had and here's what I've got so far, about 1 month 2 weeks Veg and this is my second week of flowering.

This is Bella she is my favorite as of now, I might take pictures of the others later, it is their lights off time now though, no need to hermie them anymore than they already are am I right? lol
My others are Linda Nicole and Tammy.


I have 5 feminized "Full moon" seeds coming from nirvana, one is going to be Trisha for sure.
I'd say Bella is just under 2 feet tall.