First Grow, Feel the love


Active Member
Check it

Future veg chamber, currently stash room.

Hidden HPS Ballast. I cut a big slot in the back and vents on the sides, so it wont overheat.

So yeah #4 crapped out, oh well. But #1 is loving that wind from the fan, so he can keep it.



Active Member
Well i just got the HPS pretty much ready for the install later. (put it on floor just for example).

As you can see size is an issue, a possibly heat. I have no room for a cool tube, but hopefully this fan will keep air moving over it, and the hot air will get blown away into the exhaust. If not i will cut a hole into the reflector and route it too the exhaust.

The Reflector is a sign i got at the local hardware store, works great, and cost 2$ I painted the other side flat white

My little guys are starting to smell, and it smells great.


Active Member
These are turning into some major bushes, they wider than they are taller.

You can see how many leaves keep growing out of the stem, I suppose keeping them close to the lights has worked, no stretch at all.


Active Member
Well I'm going for max yield here, so I'm gonna do lst+scrog. Ill lst them to fill as much area as i can, then put a screen over that.

I'm hoping these are signs for a heavy indica, I need a good indica before bed.

Thanks for looking all


Active Member
Day 18

Just to give you an idea of how bushy they are becoming, cant even see the main stem. (This is #1)



Well-Known Member
Damn nice grow man,
I suggest you start our 12/12 now for the are going to still grow 50% more there size atleast.
And if heat is your problem with that HPS light you should just replace every other Cfl with some red spectrem Cfl's, Easier to do too.
Saves money and will mostlikly be as effective as the hps considering your setup/room space.


Active Member
Lowered them. They were about 1 1/2" away from the lights. I also put my last 20 watt cfl in the right socket after i looked at the pic and realized i had it, totaling to 120 watts.

The very bottom leaves are starting to yellow. I'm not to worried because all the other leaves look great, ill probably end up just cutting them off, since I'm sure they don't get much light. #1 looks happy.

Day 20



Active Member
Day 21

Transplanted into slightly larger pots filled with Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil (Last night). They were previously in Black gold organic soil. They seem happy. Ill start using Foxfarm growbig soon once they get used to the soil.

I'm just waiting to see what these yellow leaves do. If they keep going ill cut them off. My guess is its not a problem.



Active Member
My guess is there gonna be a bit stunted after the transplant, but they sure do look healthy.

#1, Its a jungle



Well-Known Member
Good god those are some bushes! If you are going for space efficiency, when are you going to throw them into 12/12?



Active Member
I have to get my reflector measured and go to home depot to get a piece of glass cut for it. Ill probably do that tomorrow. Ill have updates.

I think I'm going to leave them in these pots until they show there sex, then transplant the hopefully 2 females into larger pots and finish in those.



Active Member
Well I'm not 100% positive that they are anything good, i think there granddaddy purple. I have 8 more seeds so if they end up being something good ill go again with them.

Otherwise I might end up getting some white rhino or norther lights online.


Well-Known Member
12/12 now!
Change to multiple perspective flouresents.
More light trust me.
Nice and bushy,
More bud points..
Fuck ya!