First Grow- Failure?


My first indoor grow was 3 Lowryder under cfl's. Total = 12grams
My last harvest was 12 plants under 2k HPS total = 42 oz.
You learn with each grow.

Now look at your temps, light distance from canopy, humidity, soil and nutes and figure out what you did wrong. You got something at least to keep you going.
Good Luck with your next grow.
Temperature just before harvest was really high, but i coud not make it go down. The summer is verry hot - 39.C during the day. Humidity was low, but for next grow i will buy supersonic atomizer and cooltube. distance was 65cm, on closer distance lamp is burning leafys and they became with dark green concaved spots...
I used soil and nutrient on canna... i thought they are good but i'm newbie and i cant compare it with anything....
Please give me some advices how to improve my skills and equipment.

correct me if im wrong....but if all plants are autos then u got a decent yeild.
ive read posts on here where ppl have got just 3g off an auto!
also its your first time...whats your setup like? how big r the pots? also you say the buds look like wine....maybe you shudda left them longer, they might not of fully produced, ive never seen a seed that finishes on the exact time it states on the pack, maybe another week or 2 wudda done it
Strains are not autoflowering. Equipment characteristics are in the first post in this thread.

Bet you harvested too early bud
Hell, no! I have microscope and i cut em when trichomes was 50/50 cloudy/amber.


Active Member
I agree with everyone on the learning curve. All of my grows used to end with twisted "canoe" leaves...I finally figured out it was salt build up so now I flush heavily at the 1/2 way point and haven't seen a canoe leaf since. So it took me 3 grows to figure that out...and as soon as I yield went up. Now I'm trying SCROG to eliminate popcorn buds. The point is that even seasoned growers are constantly improving their system...tweaking it along the way.

Good Luck


Those plants were healthy. I feed them on scheme, of the label on the bottles. There were no twisted leaves, burned or colored different than nicely green color.


Well-Known Member
It's the heat that cost you the yeild. I start to get lighter buds when my temps get into the 80's. That's why I start new seeds and get my veg plants going but I don't flower anything from mid June harvest until Sept 1st.

Your temps of 39c is 102f are way too hot. If you are going to flower in the summer you need AC. Get your temps down to about 25c or 78f or so and you'll do fine.


thanks man, for the "next round" ill upgrade my equipment. I will buy a cooltube, but can you give me any advice how to decrease temperature ?


Active Member
Incredible, a guy thinks his crop was a failure and some muppets say change nutes. Dipsticks!!! Seriously dude, dont take advice from anyone who assumes without asking questions!!! The guys who have explained about the learning curve and treat a few crops as teaching are spot on. Buy the Cleventes book or any "grow bible", read it and take heed of it. Research is your biggest asset, not better nutes. There is a formula for improving yield, Light, CO2 availability, temps, humidity, genetics, water, ph, nutrition. Notice nutrition is a small part of the overall picture, if your temps are over 100 deg as one guy pointed out, gold plated nutrients wont give you a good yield. Carry on with the nutrients you have but concentrate on getting your environment sorted out. A dialled in grow space will yield so much more quality bud than some room a guy keeps some plants in. PM me if you want more info. Peace W


Well-Known Member
An air cooled hood and a 6" can type fan will keep your tent a few degrees above the ambient room temps which is fine when your room temps are in the 70's and under. You need to get the temps in the room the box is in down to somewhere in the 70's and keep the air in the box moving. You also need to keep the humidity in check (I keep mine at 45% to 50%) which may require a dehumidifier which adds a ton of heat. Without AC, dehumidifier and an air cooled hood having a sucessful grow is almost impossible. Summer growing is a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
I would stay away from auto's if you want your yield to be measurable... auto's are cool and all.. but yield wise.. you can do much better.


i will try with 9 autos in 1.2sqm box. I just bought 3 x [FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Grass-o-matic - AK, 3 x [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]World of Seeds - Afghan Kush Ryder and 3 x [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Lowryder - Chronic Ryder..
[/FONT]ill try this time with AN base nutes + big bud and bud blood, and i also bought 2x 125w CFL red and 1x125w CFL blue + mine (600w hybrid hid ) = 975w.

@NoBarriers -I have extractor winflex TTU 125mm 280m3/H and second fan inside and today i just bought cooltube... When i turn on the extractor, the box is vacuuming :D I bought and ultrasonic atomizer head to control humidity...
What is the best humidity for seedlings in veg and flowering?
What is the right distance with 600w bulb in cooltube from the top of the plants?


Well-Known Member
45% to 55% humidity is good. That fan should do the trick with no problems. You can get the 600 pretty close in an air cooled hood. I run my 1000's about 12" away from the hood. Put your hand at plant level and if it's to hot for your hand it's to hot for the plants. I think that the 600w hid is enough light for your size space, the other cfls may just add unwanted heat at this time of year..


O.K. so my plan for next grow is to put 7 pots with autoflowering strains and 1 pot for mother plant not autofloweing.
Autoflowering strains will be ready for about a 70 -75 days .

Mother plant need 30-35 days veg, and then cut.
10 days for rooting and 15 days for veg young cuttings.
35+10+15 = 60 days till young plants are ready to flower.

So my idea is to use 20/4 light cycle for autos to vegetate the new cuttings. When autoflowering plants are ready to be choped, the young cutting to be ready for flowering. And when i chop autos to change light cycle and start flowering cuttings.

So will this scheme work if i start mother seed in 15-th day from the birth of auto strains ?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good plan. You could just start seeds and flower those out. Just take a clone off of each and number them and at the end of your grow pick the best and keep that as a mother...


Well-Known Member
Congrats man, you got something to smoke and you grew it yourself.
We all start small. I went from 73 grams out of six plants: LINK to 3,163 grams out of six plants in my greenhouse over a period of a couple years. It can be done man.


Well-Known Member
your right m8, right now i'm seeking eventual mistakes. can you gime me some advices?
I've been thinking about this since you asked.

Probably the one thing that helped me the most in the beginning was documenting everything I did every day. And I mean everything. I kept a clipboard in the grow room and at the end of the day would transfer that day's work onto the computer.

I eventually reached a point where I didn't need to document EVERYTHING. Now the documentation is much more streamlined; brief.


its good idea to keep the mother plant but i dont have vegi box ...
What pots should i use ? i'm thinking on 5 litre for autos and 11 for future cuttings ?


I've been thinking about this since you asked.

Probably the one thing that helped me the most in the beginning was documenting everything I did every day. And I mean everything. I kept a clipboard in the grow room and at the end of the day would transfer that day's work onto the computer.

I eventually reached a point where I didn't need to document EVERYTHING. Now the documentation is much more streamlined; brief.
Your right my friend... best way to learn is to documenting everything. When i start the first plants i was so excited, i was like a little girl. Every day i wrote in my grow diary but this was till day 10 :D then i erase it .. but i think i must start it againe on the next grow, im sure it will be helpful. From my first grow i have only photos

Congrats man, you got something to smoke and you grew it yourself.
We all start small. I went from 73 grams out of six plants: LINK to 3,163 grams out of six plants in my greenhouse over a period of a couple years. It can be done man.
Thanks for the encouraging words man, i hope some day ill have results closer to yours.


You are doing good. With this type of thought it is guaranteed that your next grow will be better.

As for pots -- the bigger the better. The totall amount of roots is directly related to bud yield. Use 5 gallons if you can fit them. Better yet use air pots for more uniform root structure. First plant in 1 or 2 gallons. Up plant to 5 gallons after you see the roots building up at the side of the pot. I use white plastic for this and can see the roots when they get there. After you up plant veg for two more weeks (minimum) for root development prior to going 12/12.

Fluffy buds are a sign of too much heat. 85F is a good maximum temperature. If you have to , turn your light on at night to help keep things cool.

I am looking forward to hearing about your next grow. It will be a good one.


my light cycle was from 10pm to 10am... about the pots im little confused, what is air pots ? and arent 5gallons too big for soil ? 5 gallon is 19-23litre ?