First grow ever...

so over night it looks like someone/thing took a bite out of one of Carolines(shiva skunk) leaves. i will post a pic later. no bugs and i inspected everyother plant and nothing. weird. shes my favorite and the best looking so far too..... :(
DAY 56

Yesterday i cut 2 clones from plant 1 and 4 from plant 2. I am also testing out l.s.t. on plant 2. this is my very first attempt with all of this so bare with me and help if you can. pictures have been taken and more to come, just to lazy to put them on here yet.

Caroline and Denise are continuing to grow fast and beatiful. i will be hooking up my hydro pump and drip system tomorrow. got some more soil and more transplants to come too.
DAY 59

the bubbakush and super lemon haze seeds finally germinated after almost 2 weeks. planted those yesterday, very excited, ive been reading about bubbakush and its supposed to be an award winner.

i have also set back up my 400watt hps and built another cab for vegging. plant 1 and 2 are both in flowering 12/12 now and have grown about 3" in 3 days. i am also LSTing plant 2 and will post pics later.

i also put JRH, the seed my friend gave me, blackberrykush, under the HPS and i want to find out its sex.

big update with plenty of pictures to come when i get a minute.