First Grow EVER


Active Member
Ok well i took some pictures of my new grow box. :clap:

I actually like it a lot but im trying to maintain a good temp and humidity. its becoming a bit of a struggle... My temp is between 83-89 with lights on and 78-82 when lights off. The humidity on the other hand is 40% with lights on and 22% with lights off.... i dont think thoughs numbers are where they are supost to be be. :shock:



Active Member
Well just checked my plants... They look like crap... bottom leafs are covered in brown dry spots and are turning yellow. The stems are now red and purple.. which i hear can be really bad.... Ive been trying everything to find out what is wrong but so far nothing really. :sad: Im thinking about starting over. Im going to use my cfl's to do vegging and my 400w hps and other cfl's for flowering.

Im not gunna throw these plants out but im just gunna start them by 12/12 them and just seeing what i can get out of them.

My next grow is going to be 12/12 right from seeds. Im doing about 20 plants and using Lst on all of them. Lets pray i have better luck this time. :shock:


Well-Known Member
hey thats a great HID setup, but its gonna get hot as shit with the ballast inside. i would suggest hooking up a fan to it and exhausting it remotely. also, i would not advise putting plants into flower until their health is stabalized. the purpling of the stems is a clear sign of nutrient lock-out or phosphorous defic. so flush the medium or add a pinch of flowing nutes now to correct it. you are gonna love the light, makes a world of difference.


Active Member
Yeah I was going to buy that one myself when I saw her post about it but I had that thought about heat and ordered this one $18 more but with a better reflector and remote ballast. Either way the light is better than CFL's and I'm using over 10 CFL's on my flowering girls.
I can't wait to see more pics L.G.
I was looking at that one 2 but i dont have the room for it. Im not worried to much about heat because i have a dryer duct that i used that is connected to my window a/c that i keep on 65 at all times running in to my grow box. The temp now is to low so i have to turn the a/c off every once in a while because it will get down in the 50's with the fans on.


Active Member
Not good LoL 2 are pretty much dead. When i get money im gunna start over. I just had to spend money on one of my puppies because he has parvo. He is more important to me then my bud.


Active Member
Ok well i checked on my plants today ... for the first time in like 2 days. They look like total SHIT i mean from one week they are green and now they are crap... I dont know whether to start over or try to recover these girls.... Any ideas on w.t.f is happening. I flushed them about 3 days ago and gave them more nutes.. but it looks like they are just getting worse. the stems are wicked wicked redish pruple and the leaves are just falling off.... :roll:



Well-Known Member
they are saveable... if you give them any nutes at all, it should be 1/8 strength until recovery, get some superthrive in there. what nutes do you use, maybe change them.

orrrrrr do nothing, plants sometimes just look shitty the first go through. mine looked like nute burned garbage, and ended up being the highest yielders.... sometimes riding it out and letting the issue go unchecked is the right answer, anyone agree with that?

you could start over, but the sting of killing a pot plant is the most resonating education of them all. :peace:


Active Member
Well im just letting them do there thing. Seeing what happens. I have them on 12/12 with some others that i started 12/12 from seeds. They are getting worse but i dont have the money to get anything to help them right now.


Well-Known Member
Hey Giz, ok here is what to do, do a soil flush again, BUT do NOT add any nute/food anything at all, unless you can get some worm castings.
Then goto 18/6 lights for a few days and/or go 24/0 12/12 is for flower and they are way to hurt to go there. They will die unless you do something.
Prob a nute lockup and now its worse.
Please someone tell me I'm right here....
I've had a similar issue and mine are recovering well.
I wouldn't give any nutes until they show some improvement which will prob take 1-2 weeks, mine took 10 days and are finally healthy again.
Ill subscribe and try my best to help ya out.

Sorry about your puppy, my Wife is big into dogs, well animals in general.
We have 2 cats btw and yeah I kno they are like our kids...
One we got when we first got together (7 years ago)