First Grow EVER


Active Member
Me and my husband decided to try and grow our own because we smoke to much. LoL. Dont we all???

So anyways, we decided to keep a grow journal for our future needs. Helps to be able to look back at the things we did good and bad. So i guess ill start out by explaining our set up.

Were growing in my closet, (like most people).
Its 2x3x3.

We started growing these 5 outside on May19, 09. After they were 4 weeks old we decided to bring them inside instead.

When bringing them inside at first we had

1 fan, 2 75watt florescent tube grow lights.

But since then we have brought in 6- 26w CFL's which i have about 3inches away from the top of the babies. :roll:

For nutes we're using 26-8-16 at 1/4 of the recommended dose. The soil is a 1/2 perlite and 1/2 peat moss mix.

I will be keeping this up to date a lot. Here are some of the first pics. So far i think they are doing really well and i can not wait to see the out come. :leaf:



Active Member
lookie goood to me !

:mrgreen:Ty Fallen!:mrgreen:

Ok so i thought i would post my lighting times.

I will be having my lights on from 11pm until 5pm. Then they will be off for 6hrs then back on again at 11pm. then off to bed for me :sleep:

Im hoping the CFLs will make my babies grow alot more. Ive been told that they will show a big difference in a small amount of time. But we will see.


Well-Known Member
u need to keep the cfls 10 centimeters above the plants till u r ready to flower then u should invest in a 400 watt hps and keep it about a meter above the plants till harvest


Active Member
Ok well i just lowered them. One of my plants are bigger then the other 4 so its hard to lower them closer to the other babies without burning my biggest one.


Active Member
I just realized that im very very very impatient !!! Wish i could have them bud now... But i know .. i must wait.

Anyways My temp right now is at 82.0 with humid at 45%. Its been the same for the last 6 hrs so im guessing i have it pretty controlled. which i hear is a good thing.:roll:


Active Member
Honestly i have no idea. I got some seeds from my fellow grower. He told me not to worry about what they are and that they will be mostly females.. But we will see. Im not really worried about what they become more just getting threw the first grow. If i do good then I may do everything better next time around.


Active Member
Ty Dopewear

Just found my cat up on top of my grow box... Damn cat better back the fuck off or she will be living in the bath room for a while!


Active Member
The light sockets i bought came with hoods but they wouldnt fit when i had the Y splitters in them so i rigged this thing up. I would have to say its better then not having them on there. :mrgreen:
here are some pics of what it looks like now.




Active Member
I decided to take before and after pics from here on out of my fav plant. :leaf:
She seems to have grown so much more in the last day! :shock:
Its crazy how much CFLS can do for these babies. :weed:

You can see the 2 leafs in the middle are a lot bigger now! And in Only 1 day!;-)




Active Member
Im bored of waiting so i decided to write about my out side grow. Along with the 5 i have inside my husband planted 2 others outside. He is doing more of a "See what happens" thing with the 2 out side. So far the look alright i guess. He gave them a lil nutes the other day but they are stretching really bad. But like i said its an out door thing. He planted them the same day as i planted my others. May 19.



Well-Known Member
Hey crazy Lady

sorry, I had to go there...

your plants look really good for being a noob, way to go. Thats so funny what your dealer said about the seeds, truly typical. I learned along the way that strain is the biggest factor (to me) besides basic environmental requirements. with that said, I grew some bagseed, and not only was it a high yielder and amazing smoke, but I also got to name it myself (bearded dragon).

also your signature is hardcore, I guess I love it and hate it all at once, j/k... +rep


Active Member
Hey crazy Lady

sorry, I had to go there...

your plants look really good for being a noob, way to go. Thats so funny what your dealer said about the seeds, truly typical. I learned along the way that strain is the biggest factor (to me) besides basic environmental requirements. with that said, I grew some bagseed, and not only was it a high yielder and amazing smoke, but I also got to name it myself (bearded dragon).

also your signature is hardcore, I guess I love it and hate it all at once, j/k... +rep

haha Ya ya i know im crazy but im cool wit it!

Ty for the +rep and the comment about my babies. Im gettin really impatient wish they would grow faster.. Right now im trying to figure out when i can start them on there 12/12 cycle. Any ideas??

My sig i made my self for the F**k of it when i got bored. Glad u like it. :mrgreen:

Fallen Buckshot

i go atleast a month maybe 2 before 12/12 but you can do it earlier if you are worried about time/space altho your yield and quality may not be as good


Well-Known Member
ms. giz gotta love your updates those outdoor plants look great quite similar to mine! as for your idea on 12/12 id say it appears you have enough space to let them grow to probly a 1' then kick the 12/12 there your plants will end up between 2-3 feet maybe more... i dunno i noob sauce but i like to think i have some idea of what im talking about. look forward to new updates!