The Florist
Active Member
Hey all

I'd love what everyone thinks of what's been done here, i've learnt a lot from the experience from my obvious mistakes such as transplanting too early/late/frequently, same for watering and feeding but it's all but of the first journey
-Veg Time - 6 Months ish in cupboard with a few others
-Transplanted 3-4 times (seed pod/cup/200mm/250mm - 1-2 weeks before flower)
-Kept under a 50w custom made light from a mate (not sure for it's reliability but the next runs in veg are growing better than the last through self education)
-Regular Standing Oscilating fan left still at a decent speed in attempt to thicken the stems (it worked but now i use Kyle Kushmans 'chiropractic' methods)
Current environment:
In a 4x4 tent with several others
- 1x Custom Made 250w or something *has far red specs (was wider than current light)
- 1 x Oscilating standing Fan
- 1 x 6" Carbon filter
- 1 x 6" duct fan
Training Methods:
- LST (from early age)
- Lollipopping throughout
- Topping which occured on about 3 colas 1-2 weeks before the flip to fower
- Defoliation Massacre within week 1 of flower
- 1 x Sativa got root bound due to lack of space avail, was moved and taken care of seperately (now in flower and isn't inphotos)
- Slight Nutrient Burn throughout late veg, Slight deficits here and there however cautiously all corrected
- Over and under watering, as well as watering too often, issues all corrected through trial and error
- Currently week 6 of flower and issues are minor and range from:
- Suspected nutrient burn (new growth is slightly yellow), however deficits of P, K and calcium (or rust fungus) are apparent
- Adding worm castings and molasses with no added nutes to monitor growth as may just wait for flush until week 8/9 (currently 6)
Feeding Regime:
Every few days to week or so depending on the plant/pot size, plant age, plant signs.
Veg - Nitrosol and water (i think thats all that was used)
Transition - Nitrosol, Manutec Bloom, Epsom Salts, Molasses, Dolomite
Early/Mid Flower - Nitrosol, Manutec Bloom(higher doses), (higher doses) Epsom Salts, Molasses
Week 6 Flower *current - Nitrosol (lower doses), Manutec Bloom (higher doses), Epsom Salts, Molasses, Worm Castings****

I'd love what everyone thinks of what's been done here, i've learnt a lot from the experience from my obvious mistakes such as transplanting too early/late/frequently, same for watering and feeding but it's all but of the first journey
-Veg Time - 6 Months ish in cupboard with a few others
-Transplanted 3-4 times (seed pod/cup/200mm/250mm - 1-2 weeks before flower)
-Kept under a 50w custom made light from a mate (not sure for it's reliability but the next runs in veg are growing better than the last through self education)
-Regular Standing Oscilating fan left still at a decent speed in attempt to thicken the stems (it worked but now i use Kyle Kushmans 'chiropractic' methods)
Current environment:
In a 4x4 tent with several others
- 1x Custom Made 250w or something *has far red specs (was wider than current light)
- 1 x Oscilating standing Fan
- 1 x 6" Carbon filter
- 1 x 6" duct fan
Training Methods:
- LST (from early age)
- Lollipopping throughout
- Topping which occured on about 3 colas 1-2 weeks before the flip to fower
- Defoliation Massacre within week 1 of flower
- 1 x Sativa got root bound due to lack of space avail, was moved and taken care of seperately (now in flower and isn't inphotos)
- Slight Nutrient Burn throughout late veg, Slight deficits here and there however cautiously all corrected
- Over and under watering, as well as watering too often, issues all corrected through trial and error
- Currently week 6 of flower and issues are minor and range from:
- Suspected nutrient burn (new growth is slightly yellow), however deficits of P, K and calcium (or rust fungus) are apparent
- Adding worm castings and molasses with no added nutes to monitor growth as may just wait for flush until week 8/9 (currently 6)
Feeding Regime:
Every few days to week or so depending on the plant/pot size, plant age, plant signs.
Veg - Nitrosol and water (i think thats all that was used)
Transition - Nitrosol, Manutec Bloom, Epsom Salts, Molasses, Dolomite
Early/Mid Flower - Nitrosol, Manutec Bloom(higher doses), (higher doses) Epsom Salts, Molasses
Week 6 Flower *current - Nitrosol (lower doses), Manutec Bloom (higher doses), Epsom Salts, Molasses, Worm Castings****
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