Hello everybody I am new to the site. This is my first post and just wanted a moment of everyone's time that has one to spare. I made the mistake of being a noob and not fully researching on how to grow before I started, so I know that my plant isn't ideal, so be nice. I made all the classic mistakes at first, I started it in a window that didn't get enough sun light, over nuted it, got fungus gnats for a couple days, and maybe even more that I cannot recall at the moment. For the most part I just want everyone's opinion on if I am started off on the right path or not. Not looking for hardcore nitpicking. Just for reference it is right at 2 ft tall and about the same wide atm, I grew it in veg for about 2 months and it has been in 12 12 lighting for about 10 days, also for the cherry on top it is a random bag seed