First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized


Well-Known Member
These plants are soooo healthy it's amazing, not one purple stripe it seems on the stems. Nice nice nice job.


Well-Known Member
Thanks lads :)
Quick update on today.

The cool weather outside is now working to my advantage
as the temps were down to 26c/79f in the garden :)

I knocked my timer earlyer on as well one hour before lights out
and it knocked the lamp off so they have only had 11 hours light today.

I dont think that will cause any probs though.

PH is around 6.2 which im happy with :)
All girls are booming! The biggest girl is 22 inch tall now :)
The nutes are really working well on them now and that Cannazym
is some really good shit! :)

Cant wait to see there sex in 2 to 3 weeks time!


Well-Known Member
All girls are looking good :)

Temps around 28c/82f at the tops of the plants.
PH is around 6.0 - 6.2
Res has been topped up today.

I can see some pre flowers on the girls now but cant really tell what sex they are yet.

Probably will have to wait another week and then should be able to see there sex then.

biggest girls is about 2 feet tall now :)

few more pics



Well-Known Member
I think iv got 8 girls!
there buds are starting to form
and they look like females :)
im going to need a second opinion though
so I will get some close up pics in a couple of days
and you guys can tell me what you think!


Well-Known Member
end of week 2 flowering!
Im about to top up the res and add 175ml of Cannazym.
Im going to take of some of the dead and dying leafs around
the bottom of each plant and also trim some of the roots which
are around the water pump.
I will get some fresh pics up in an hour or so.
I will get some close ups so all you guys can help me identify there
sex! I think there all females but as this is my first time id like some input
on this :)


Well-Known Member
As mentioned earler I have now topped tank up to 70 litres.
175ml Cannazym added.
20ml Aqua Vega A & 20ml Aqua Vega B added.
200ml Aqua Flora A & 200ml Aqua Flora B added.

Unsure of PH at this time as I need to let the solution settle before testing.

All girls look good!
Diddy Buds starting to show now :)

Biggest Girl is 28 Inches tall now! 2 Feet 4 Inch

Iv trimmed all dead and dying leafs from the bottom of the girls and carried out some root maintainence around the pump.

As there is a high amount of nutes in the res I will be keeping a close eye on the girls for the next couple of days.
Make sure they dont get no nute burn if I can help it.

Temps are a steady 28c/82f at the tops of the plants.

More Pics!
They all look like Girls.
I cant see any balls at all.
Just diddy buds :)



Well-Known Member
All girls are looking good:hump:

I can almost taste em now!
6 and half weeks to go!

Biggest girl is now 31 inches!
Im hoping they only grow another 12 inch or im going to run out of height space! lol

PH is a steady 6.0 to 6.2 and temps range from 27c/81f to 30c/86f.

Couple of mid week pics! :)



Hey Dutchman- I was reading your post and thought you might be ablle to help me since I am growing in a similar medium and not sure I did things right.

I have the ecorgower 6 plant spder system with a 17 gal resivoir.

I germinated 6 seeds on moist paper towels with a plate over them- when the Taproot busted through I placed them on top of the clay pebbles and put a "coccotek" cover over each one and turned my lights on 400w MH. Nuts are supplied through a spider system and a pupm spraying each seedling every couple of seconds.

Should I have waited to put them into the system. I am new to this and cant find this answer online.

Thanks for any advice yu may have.


Well-Known Member
Hey Red

Yeh what you need to do is get either rock wool cubes or
I use a degradable soil type cube called root riots.
Once you germinate your seeds you need to put them in
one of those to mediums. One seed to each cube with the
tap root faceing down with the seed about a half inch into the cube
with the hole you put them in covered lightly.
just hand water them under a couple of 50w CFLs as close to the plants as possible and
only water once the cube feels dry. keep temps around room temp 21c/70f and the CFLs on 24 hours.
Once you can see the roots starting to show through the bottom and sides of
the cubes you can then transplant into your Hydroton pebbles pots but make sure you dont
over water at first and maybe keep the CFLs over them for another few days to help
them recover from the shock of the transplant and give there root systems a chance
to take hold. When you transplant plant your girls upto the bottom of there 2 round baby leafs
and then use your 400w lamp on your choosen light cycle. I use 18/6 and wouldnt veg lamp on 24
hours a day. 20/4 tops. :)


Well-Known Member
Not had to much to do today in the garden of eden today :)

Have trimmed all dead and dieing leafs of the very bottom of my girls.

Have added 175ml of Cannazym to the re and topped it up to full.

Biggest girl is 3 feet tall now and iv had to tie my 2 biggest girls back away from the lamp as there in the hot zone now. Hope they dont get to much bigger now.

4 girls are tall and the other 4 are starting to stretch up a little more now which is good :)

PH is 6.2 and temps at the top of the biggest girl is now around 30c to 32c/85f to 90f.

All girls are still looking very well :)
Only 6 more weeks to go till christmas
and 6 more weeks till Harvest :clap:

Some semi Bud porn for ya all
Iv finaly worked out how to take
vivid close ups with my camera phone :)



Well-Known Member
Another busy day in the garden.

I have tied back the 4 girls in the middle to allow the light to penatrate the middle of the canopy and also to bring them away from the light slightly so they are a little cooler.

I have done my usual getting rid of the dead and dying leafs.

Topped the res back up to 70L and added 175mm Cannazyme, 30ml aqua veggi A, 30ml aqua veggi B, 200ml aqua flora A and 200ml aqua flora B.

Unsure of PH at the moment and will test in 24 hours once the solution has settled.

Temps at the top of the girls are around 29c/85f and sometimes reaches 32c/90f if its a warm day.

Hopefully it will start to get a lot colder outside over the next couple of weeks so temps should drop a couple of degrees in the garden.

Biggest girl is 110cm/43inch/3.5 feet high :)
3 of the other girls are 3 feet high.
and the other 4 are around 2.5 feet ish, maybe a little bigger just short of 3 feet.

Root system seems to have now stopped expanding and there growth has slowed down a bit now.

Buds are starting to fill out nicely and there giving off a nice fruity smell now thats driving me crazy! I cant wait for them to be ready now. about 5 weeks left.

Few more pics :) :bigjoint:


Nice one man sounds like u gt it sorted, ive had no probs with temps but havent gt extractor sorted so i think my plants are sufferin a bit plus i gt a 400w hps with 12" fan blowing on it to keep temp 83-85f


Well-Known Member
Cheers Lads :)

Mid week update!
Not to much to report at the moment.
All girls looking well.
Temps have dropped slightly to around 27c/80f
as it has got a little cooler outside which is good :)

PH is sitting at a steady 6.0 to 6.2.
Buds are coming on nicely :)

Half way there now. Only 4 and a half weeks till harvest.
I cant wait now. Im loving the fruity smell there giving off
with a hint of skunk :)

some of the larger leafs are yellowing and dropping off
now which is kind of telling me the girls are getting ready to
give it there final push over the next few weeks and fatten them buds up.

Going to give them a good look over on friday. make sure I cant see any male/hermi
signs. I havent seen any yet but as this is my first grow im always kind of worried in case
I miss one. Pollination will be deverstation!

Im trying to guess what yield I could expect from each plant and looking at them Im thinking
around 2 ounce a plant but then I still got another 4 weeks to go, I might get close to 3 ounce
a plant if im lucky. There all looking kind of fat at the moment but stll plenty of fattening up to
come with lots of powder on the leafs.

I will be starting a week course of PK 13/14 on sunday.
Hope to see some good results.

Im going to flush for 3 weeks from week 6 as they may not go the whole 9.
They can be ready at 7 weeks but I want to get the most out of them.

I dont have a microscope or magnifying glass so I wont be able to get a close look at
the trics but keeping a close eye on other changes I should be able to see when there

More pics will be added on sunday


Well-Known Member
Some more pics from an hour ago :)
All looking good!
Just trying to keep an eye out for hermies!
Not 100% sure what im looking for but im sure I will hopefully notice one if one develops.

If anyone can see anything that does not look right please let me know :)

Thanks for everyones input so far.

Well not to much of a busy day in the garden today.

I have pulled all dead and dying feafs and topped the res back up.

Tommorow im going to add full dose cannazym, 1/4 strength veggi A&B nutes and 1/2 strength floral A&B nutes and I will be starting my week course of PK 13/14 on sunday. Then at the End of week 6 next sunday I will start to flush just by only topping the res up with plain tap water which may need some PH down added to it.

PH today is around 6.4 to 6.6 after the top up but should settle in 24 hours to around 6.0 to 6.2.

Temps are a little lower at around 25c/77f.

Girls are not growing to much bigger now.
Biggest girl is 3 1/2 foot :)

Pics are of the tops of each one of my girls.
Starting to see one or two brown hairs now :)



Well-Known Member
I never have had any hermies on my g-force, but everything has come from just one seed mother. So I may have just gotten lucky with a great mom. But really it seems like you have some healthy plants. If you are having trouble looking for them look for the color yellow. Like a little tiny banana looking flower, actually it looks like a banana then opens like a flower. If you see any, carefully pick them off and put them in your mouth so there is no chance of pollen spreading....really I stick them in my mouth ;)

Not that they are not reserved to the bottom, cause I have seens friends stuff in the past getting them in the middle of plants. But they tend to pop up on the bottom two or three internodes right where that real big colax is at on the intersection of the internode. Again I bet you don't have any unless you have light leaks. :)

Good looking bud!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Optikphiber I will have a look.
I cant say iv seen any yellow banana sacks and Im
sure there are no light leaks during lights out.

If I find any I will eat them!

Thanks again mate :)


Well-Known Member
not to much to report today.

Iv added 100ml of PK 13/14 today and will be doing this for the next 6 days.

some more pics at the end of week 5 :)

