First grow ever and starting outdoors

So I started with one plant and got it from my roommates brother who lives next door. He started it from a seed and gave it to me when it was about a foot big. It now is about three and half feet and I have yet to notice sex but it looks like it is starting to flower. I haven't tried to super crop or anything since I hardly know anything about the growing as it is. I am trying to be very simple. The other day I got two new plants from seeds again but different stains than the first. They are a foot right now and I think they are starting late for outdoors but I will still see what happens. They have bigger leaves than my bigger plant but I don't really know what that means. I am trying to get big buds but I just started using genhydro nutrients so don't know what difference that is going to make.

My plants look very different than the plants that he is growing so I was wondering if anyone knows what the larger one is. I don't want dank weed. Also what is the average yield for a plant this size? Any other comments would be appreciated to help with the process. If all goes well with this grow I think I might try indoors.


Also wanted to post pics of the other plants that are my roommates brothers. Here they are.



they are looking good for first grow, have you given any nutes at all besides the Genhydro? How much light are they getting a day?12 hours or more? They are gonna start flowering once they get 12 hours or less of light. The yield is going to depend on various things like light, how long you veg for, and strain. The longer you veg the bigger the plant will get, producing more flowers. You are growing outdoors so the plant will flower once it gets 12 hours or less. You dont have control over that.
I am just using the GenHydro set of three for the whole grow plus their koolbloom liquid and powder for the appropriate times. Here are some updated pics that I have in my journal. Out of my plants, one was male and same with my roommates bro. All in all I now have ten plants that are all looking pretty good.

The first pics that have big buds on them are from my seeds. These are two plants that I took off a buddy that he had to get rid of. He and I call them SomaComa that have a lot of purple in their genes. The other two bigger bushy plants are seeds from the same genetics as the above. They are the ones I raised since seeds. So that is four of my ten. The others are from clones bought from a dispensary. There are three white widow, two chernobles and one OG Sage. These clones are smaller since they were only started about a month ago.



Very nice! The sun is doin a amazing job, you to. You got some big Buds their. Cant wait to see harvest!!! Good Job