First Grow Ever! 12/12 flowering,


Hi guys/gals, i'm a newb on this site so here is my pre warning!

I recently got given a couple of seeds. so decided to do the moral thing and use them. One was a slow grower so I chucked it out leaving me with 1 plant.
Ok so all good, veg'd (4weeks) in my window, made grow room, put in to flower 12/12. about 4 weeks ago. sorry about the poor quality i am paid next week and will be buying a new chip for my digi cam =]

OK so here is my baby 4 weeks into flowering, are they slow? does everything look ok? how long do you predict they will flower for?


all feed back much appreciated! peace + happy smoking all!
when 3/4 of the pistils "white hairs" turn red (amber, brow,...ect) cut dry and cure it.
looks like you still got some time on your hands.
we found that if you increase the amount of CO2 intake the more thc the plant will make


ok thanks, i did have some bottles of cheap cola open left in the room but it went flat yesterday so i need some more. might make a bicarb soda type thingy to release some more CO2. i have such a basic set up and am experimenting but so far all appears to be going well. the only thing im concerned about is the time it is taking for it to grow however surely the longer i have to wait the better the reward at the end, thanks for the post =]


Well-Known Member
when 3/4 of the pistils "white hairs" turn red (amber, brow,...ect) cut dry and cure it.
looks like you still got some time on your hands.
we found that if you increase the amount of CO2 intake the more thc the plant will make
Dont listen to this guy. Pistil color has absolutely nothing to do with plant maturity and when it is time to chop.


used miracle grow as its all i could find/afford however i am going to buy some better products for my next grow. light is a (fail?) 100w flood light thing i found laying around. and a couple of 60w bulbs from some lights i had, as i said i didn't realise when i planted my seed it was this complex however i am rising to the challenge and changing and altering things as i go. thanks
the problems with your lights, you need to get yourself some CFL's (id say about 5) 24 w or something.. and they have to be 2700 kelvin/ warm white for flowering...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, looks a tad underdeveloped for 4 weeks. Maybe it's the lighting.

Anyhow, you should look into my new brand of nutes ready for stores soon. Very reasonable, too!
you don't have to take any advice from us.
we've been growing for 4 years as a team
and we have found that when 3/4 the pistils turn color its the best time to chop
we've let all the pistils turned a couple times and we got horrible results
we were just giving our opinion


can you post any links to what type of lights would be better, i mean like ive been to the hardware stores and tryed to find HPS lamps and cant find one that i could turn into a grow lamp. the one i have is for outdoor lighting but i wired it up to a normal plug.
CFL's compact fluro's are at all hardware stores etc.. there the ones that look like in my pic.... i just hooked them up to old sockets and old leads and hung them buy hooks

ebay has some specif for growing but with enough you can use ones from the hardware which will work out cheaper... just make sure you get 2700 kelvin ( warm white ) for flowering... these are the ones that have a yellowy glow. mine are phillips 24 w


CFL's compact fluro's are at all hardware stores etc.. there the ones that look like in my pic.... i just hooked them up to old sockets and old leads and hung them buy hooks

ebay has some specif for growing but with enough you can use ones from the hardware which will work out cheaper... just make sure you get 2700 kelvin ( warm white ) for flowering... these are the ones that have a yellowy glow. mine are phillips 24 w
thats great thanks, will have to look at getting some next week. i thought it could be lighting that is making it slower but wasnt sure what else to use.
if you do some reading on cfl growing youll find they need the certain spectrums in either the flowering ( 2700K) or veging (6000k) ... normal incandesent lights wont work