First Grow Dont Bash Me Plz!

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ok... so about two months ago i started my first grow and needless to say im a lil nervous/ scared shitless lol and i need a lil bit of feedback from the experts here kiss-ass

i have a 250w MH HID light now almost 2ft off the tops bc of heat and my babies are getting over 1ft i have 2 reg bagseed plants which are doing awesome 1 feminized california hash plant and 2 mandala speed queens those 3 about 6in (bc i got them later) they all look very healthy except for a tiny bit of burning on my speed queens (but shit i burn pizza half the time lol) theyre all a nice lush green color the bigger ones are starting to grow leaves between the branches and what appears to be the beginning of pistils, but alas, i am far too newbish to tell, i always water w distilled or spring or R/O water, i am getting a HPS bulb soon so ill be ready whenever the time comes to switch it up, i just think theres something im doing wrong which is either going to be catastrophic, or just me being paranoid by playing god a lil bit lol plz leave me some feedback im new to this site and to growing so plz dont virtually bash me and steal my virtual lunch money:cry:kiss-ass

ill try to update this thread every other day and add pics as i figure out all the features of this site lol


Well-Known Member
If they seem healthy than they probably are, as far as burning on 1 strain, well not all strains are created equal. Meaning, some are less tolerant of more nutrients or light than another, if you see a prob than treat that one a bit different.

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ok so there under an 18/6 cycle and about 1 1/2ft tall but i started about mid-may and based on most of the other shit ive seen on here mine should be taller than that by now but idk is there something i could have done to stunt their growth? i use purified water and my nutes are well balanced in my soil 20.8.8. if anything they are getting a lil extra nitrogen...thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I cant bash those, they look lovely. Any probs you have is probably minor adjustments. If they indica dominant they will be shorter by nature. BTW we dont bash people anyways, we were all new once.

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i think they are indica dominant im not really good at telling but they have compact leaves but a lil lanky and jagged fingers on them

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im worried by the fact that they havent grown much taller in like a week and im wondering if theyre ready to flower bc they have little leaves growing off the main stem now

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the thing is i have a couple that are alot smaller and theyre better strains that i got later so if i held off on flowering them to let the others catch up could that harm the older/taller ones?