First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. Just thought I'd update and let you all know that the 3 remaining plants are female so I got a perfect 50/50 ratio. Not much difference in growth but I will post pics when things develop a bit more.


New Member

Looks good man - one thing I would have been doing is to cope with the stretch you can bend / arrange branches kind of a combination of lst and supercropping/bending technique. your tent looks a lot like mine (is yours 2'x4'?) and employing this strategy has built me a pretty nice canopy across the tent. also an air cooled reflector and/or a centrifugal fan or two would improve your situation immensely, but it looks good, maybe a lil too hot/dry but not bad at all!
succesful DWC


Well-Known Member
got my tent in today.. hopefully you can answer a couple of ?'s when i come to put it up and get everything rollin inside.


New Member
nice and u got 3 females each...kinda sucks with the amount of plants i started with....we need to do feminized next grow but looking good.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! Roseman, my tallest is about 38 inches now and the other 2 are about 30 inches. SyNiK4L how many plants did you start with? I got a perfect 50/50 split which is what I expected but I am definitely getting some good feminized seeds for next time now that I know I am capable. It has now been 18 days since the switch to 12/12. The tops are growing some dense foliage, but no buds yet obviously. Hairs are developing nicely though. Basically, everything is going smoothly. Does anyone have an estimate on harvest weight? I'm guessing 6 ounces...but if you have a guess based on your experience, I'd like to hear. Thanks for stopping by! Peace :peace:



New Member
I'd say 6 o's is doable with yours easy. I usually pull between 6 and 8 with the bp system and it's more from the space limitiation than the capability of the plant or the system and my space is pretty much like yours.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Awesome! My estimate was 6-8 oz. Does anyone have any ideas on how to lower humidity other than a dehumidifier? I have one on the way, but humidity gets up to 85% sometimes.


Elite Rolling Society
Thanks guys! Roseman, my tallest is about 38 inches now and the other 2 are about 30 inches. SyNiK4L how many plants did you start with? I got a perfect 50/50 split which is what I expected but I am definitely getting some good feminized seeds for next time now that I know I am capable. It has now been 18 days since the switch to 12/12. The tops are growing some dense foliage, but no buds yet obviously. Hairs are developing nicely though. Basically, everything is going smoothly. Does anyone have an estimate on harvest weight? I'm guessing 6 ounces...but if you have a guess based on your experience, I'd like to hear. Thanks for stopping by! Peace :peace:

LT, I've done 7 grows, on my 8th, never used a feminzed seed.

EVERY grow, I got 50-50 male and female, until this one. I have two runts only about 12 inches tall, and I have 7 other females. 2 are giants that will yield 4 to 6 ounces each plant. When I discuss WEIGHT, I am talking DRIED, CLSOELY MANICURED AND CURED buds. On my mediums, I will get 2 to 4 ounces per plant, and on my runts, an ounce on the 24 inch thin ones and 1/4 ounce to 1/8 on the very small runts.

On yours, that are 30 to 38 inches tall now, expect at least two and half ounces to 4 ounces per plant, is my prediction.

Besides, it will be a miracle if you don't accidently break a branch off or drop a light on one or one just have a tall limb fall over and break. It happens.


Elite Rolling Society
Awesome! My estimate was 6-8 oz. Does anyone have any ideas on how to lower humidity other than a dehumidifier? I have one on the way, but humidity gets up to 85% sometimes.

The problem with High humidty in flowering is danger of bud mold. You MUST have an oscilating fan lightly blowing a breeze 24/7 on those tops in high humdity to avoid the mold.


New Member
And don't forget some plants are more suseptible to mold than others. The tighter the bud the more chance of bud mold. The tight bud allows the plant to trap moisture inside and the only way to get it out is max air.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
So I got back this morning after being away for the weekend and found my tallest plant had grown into the light and burned its top just a little. The damage isn't terrible, but will this top continue to grow or is it dead now? Also, pH was very low, 4.2, but the plants showed no signs of damage. I did a drain and replenish and hopefully everything will be ok. Lights come back on at 9 so I will post pics then.