First Grow: Diary of a "Growing" Obsession


Well-Known Member
Here, I've been busy! anybody got ideas for the punky looking fan leaf/leaves at the top of one of the colas?



Well-Known Member
changed my setup shortly after posting that, dismantled the seedling setup and put another 6500k on the flowering lady, as well as one of the 7800k 17watt 24 inch fluorescents from walmart, and got a splitter so I could put another 6500k in the veg chamber. so 8 26 watt cfls, 2 42 watt cfls, and one 17watt tube fluorescent on the flowering plant and 4 26 watt cfls in the veg box.

edit-oh yeah, and sneakers my hippopotamus

oh, and I'd like to let you guys know to actually download the pics, at the actual resolution you can see the trichs!



Active Member
i just read this entire thread and im stupid impressed., great job thats about all i can say. subbed +rep


Active Member
i just read the whole thing as well , nice grow. u should get alot from her. are you still taking her outside during flowering????


Well-Known Member
i just read the whole thing as well , nice grow. u should get alot from her. are you still taking her outside during flowering????
that's awesome to hear! thanks guys! I would love to still take her outside, but as soon as I built that closet in my room and hung all those lights from the ceiling the plant pretty much became immobile. I'll probably bring my babes in veg outside sometimes, and try not to get any of them this big.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking really good. At the rate your big female is going u will probably see a qp easy off her. Awesome man.


Well-Known Member
anybody know what could be causing this problem in the lower/inner fan leaves? so far down low and pretty far from any actual bud growth that I've missed it! pretty worried that it could be spreading



Well-Known Member
The further you get into flowering your going to start losing especially the lower fan leaves since your plant is pumping its energy and nutrients into bud production. If you start to see problems in the newer leaves then your probably dealing with some other issue like nute deficiency, heat, or watering problems. I wouldn't worry too much since overall your plant looks very healthy.


Well-Known Member
usually watering every 2-3 days, using about a half gallon each time with GH maxibloom (every other time of course), about 3/4 tbsp per gallon, so 3/8 tbsp per half gallon, and started bud candy last watering, yesterday, but those top leaves have been looking like that for a little while. I have to admit I haven't been PHing my water, usually using tap water left out for a day. temps are 80-82 during light, definitely significantly cooler at night but I don't go in there so can't see the thermometer.
thanks for the ideas and help and compliments guys


Well-Known Member
I think what I'm seeing with the top leaves is canoeing and maybe a bit of twisting. The canoeing is usually due to the plant trying to conserve water. A good way to check if your plant needs watering is to stick a finger 1-2 inches down into the soil and if it feels totally dry then you need to water. if its still a bit damp, wait another day and check again. I water my plants every 1-2 days because my temps are higher and my soil dries out quickly. The twisting could maybe be from overfeeding, so if your worried, back of the nutes for a week and see if the new growth looks normal.


Well-Known Member
thanks! that's how I've been watering from the beginning so I'll back off the nutes, does that include bud candy?


Well-Known Member
i'm no expert when it comes to feeding, but I would say just give her a week of nothing but water and then you can start back with the nutes again. I suppose it could also be your ph, but i've never done ph testing in any of my grows, so I can't really help in that department. Also, don't forget its your first grow, your still learning and nothing is ever going to be perfect. Your doing a kickass job so far so relax a little and enjoy the experience :)