first grow. day 21 flower. too much yellow HELP!!!!!

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
flush with 2 times the size of ur pot i.e... 1 gallon pot makes 2 gallon flush. Soil you want ur ph around 6.5, 5.8 is soilless. you want to see a nice amount of run off when you feed and water so you know it is not building up in ur soil, and feed them every other time, 1 feed, 1 water, 1 feed, 1 water, ect... and start your nutes @ around 25-50% for first few feedings and see how they take it before bumping up to full strength.
Pro mix is a soilless medium so the Ph range is probably better at 5.6-5.8.


1 gallon of water per plant for normal feeding? Isnt that over-watering?... I dont have money for the meters till friday. I will keep this post updated though.. ill flush all 3 plants today.
My one plant that Is almost finished, iv been giving straight water the last 2 feedings, it has about a week left. Should I do a heavy flush on it too?


It looks like you're using nutrients designed for hydro...not soil. That won't work. The same company has nutrients for soil called "General Organics" that you should be using. You had better switch pretty quickly.
Guy at the hydro store gave me a feeding chart from general hydroponics that showed It can be used for soil or hydro. iv been going by the bottle. Ill have to look for that chart.

And promix Is soiless? What does that change for me vs regular soil?

Btw, appreciate everyones Input

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
1 gallon of water per plant for normal feeding? Isnt that over-watering?... I dont have money for the meters till friday. I will keep this post updated though.. ill flush all 3 plants today.
My one plant that Is almost finished, iv been giving straight water the last 2 feedings, it has about a week left. Should I do a heavy flush on it too?
Guy at the hydro store gave me a feeding chart from general hydroponics that showed It can be used for soil or hydro. iv been going by the bottle. Ill have to look for that chart.

And promix Is soiless? What does that change for me vs regular soil?

Btw, appreciate everyones Input

No its not over watering. It would be if you did it everyday and the soil stayed soggy.

Promix is considered passive hydro. it doesn't have any nutes in it already so you need to add what it needs. In real soil it has stuff in it and the plants can survive for a time on the soil. I've seen people keep the PH in the 6.3 range but i've had much better results keeping it at 5.7.

probably too late to help the plant thats almost done.

i dont know anything about general hydroponics but those N-P-K ratios seem strange to me.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
No feed. Thought I wait for it to dry??
you should have hit them right after they had fully drained form the flush but you should be okay.maybe wait a day and then feed them. they wont be fully dry so you wont have to use as much to get good run off.


My goodness was I overfeeding and underwatering. Fed them just now. Used kess than half of what I normally use, that chart and the bottle are much different.... heres a pic of today. Ill post in 3 days an update and then 3 days after that. I really hope they recover. They were so beautiful going in to flower. I only started using floramicro 3 weeks ago so im sure it was just an overfeed/incorrect ph/underwatering issue. 20130723_170007.jpg