First Grow - Couple Questions


Active Member
Howdy everyone,

This is my first grow...24 days in...using a 26"x30"x60" grow box with a 400w HPS/MH. Got some white rhino and 5 free afghan seeds from Been using FF OF/LW 70/30 mix and FF nutes.

Germinated 3 rhino and 2 afghan. The plants were a lil heat stressed because I couldn't up the voltage yet on the intake fan. The heat didn't seem to affect the rhino really, but both afghans completely stopped growing, but still remained green.

Eventually I threw one of the afghan out and germed another rhino. I then left the remaining afghan under an aero light my girlfriend has, and it has now grown a bit (the one in the small square pot.)

The rhino that I germed late (1 week after the others were under the light) was going well, until I had a small problem when the small cfl light I was using fell into the plant and singed it pretty good. I'm just wondering if I should toss the thing or if there is a pretty good chance it will fully recover?

I'm also wondering if my (hopefully) ladies seem short for day 24? I'm hoping to start flowering in a week or 2 and I've tried raising the light a bit, but they're still not getting very tall (hoping to flower at 12-16")

Any help would be appreciated



Well-Known Member
most plants will recover most injuries if the root system is healthy. I'd keep it.

you haven't really given enough info on your grow to diagnose any issues you might be size? exhaust? ferts?


Well-Known Member
most plants will recover most injuries if the root system is healthy. I'd keep it.

you haven't really given enough info on your grow to diagnose any issues you might be size? exhaust? ferts?
Clydefrog, pretty sure that he mentions both grow box size and fans. Dont know what thread you were reading.

I have only my own experience and others photos to go by but your plants look healthy to me. The lighting seems to be of quality and should get them going well. Are there any specific problems that you are having that we cant see other than the height and speed they are growing as more experienced growers may be able to help. All i know is dont start strong nutes too early. Good luck Hz..


dude if u raise the light u will make the plant grow taller (strecth to the light) but this is not a good thing, keep the lights close let the plant do its thing u want it 2 stay short n bushy for the best buds anyway.
Best of luck.


Active Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback. Thought I'd give a little status update. These pics are actually day 29 (2 days ago)

I did find out that what I thought was afghani is a silve haze, I think? Afghani is a Indica; and by the looks of the plant it is definitely a sativa (pic 3)?

I've doing every other watering of 1-2tbsp molasses/gallon and then 2 tsp grow big with 2tbsp big bloom/gallon .

My lower leaves are getting a bit yellow, but I'm not sure if it lack of light or too many nutes (probably), but all the other plants are real green. If you see the pics I'm wondering if the plants are too deep in pot which is reducing light to lower plant?
What do you guys think, should I use a blade and take off a bit of the plastic around the rim to increase light exposure?

I also think I've got 2 females now I hope. The last pics is a close up of one (in the middle) and I'm wondering if those hairs are female? I'll post the pics tomorrow because lights are out at the moment..

I've also looked all over the forum and other sites to find an answer as to whether I should put white paper/myla below the plant covering the soil for reflection?

Thanks again



Well-Known Member
Looking good Hweez. Those white rhino look delicious. Sorry but you will need someone will more knowledge to diagnose the sex. The camera you have is sweet though. Make and megapixels? If i havevnt already subscribed i am now.


Well-Known Member
In pic 7 i visibly see a female, congrats.

covering the soil with any reflector is not any good since plants do not absorb any light from their underside and they dislike light from down below. do not even try it. but i will be happy if you find any good about covering the soil by mylar !!!!

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I wouldn't cover my soil with white paper/mylar. Soil needs to dry out often. I'd say you'll soon have overwatering issues if you do. As Satica says, you have a female in pic #7.


Active Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the comments.

I'm trying to determine the sex of the plant in pic 3...the close up of it is pic 7

The other close ups are from the other 2 big plants...petty sure they're both ladies.

The last pics are of the largest plant (pic 5), which is very green up top, but a couple lower leaves are looking like this. I'm thinking its nute burn, except the other plants aren't showing any signs of it. Not enough light down there or not enough nitrogen possibly?

I'm wondering if the plants are too deep in the pot and I should cut an inch or two off around the top of the pot to let more air/light in down there?

Thanks again everyone.

Rockstead - its a 12mp samsung camera



Well-Known Member
I cant defineitively say that they are all females.Wait couple of days. about yellowing when the plant cant absorb enough light in first fan leaves then it begins to use its nitrogen(smart Plant ha?) its not burn or deficiency its normal in this speed of yellowing.