First grow.. Check it out

Mr. Deisel

damn right.. those things are looking good G! Update on my shit. one of my bubbas is starting to flower. I guess the 12/12 lighting might be helping. Hope urs starts soon too KGA


all except 2 sprouts look perfect hopefully the others do ok but still 13 out of 15 are beastn that is a good percent ill take dat. the bubba just since to be stuck in veg stage but the blue will be done in 2 weeks all most all fan leaves have turned yellowish brownish but i aint trippn.


Hey G when you get this hit me up got the co2 pucks they are hella big probably last for a month. But shit get at me homes.

Mr. Deisel

hell yeah dude thanks for those pucks. shits gonna help out a lot. glad those babies are doing good. Hope they all are female too. they should tho.


Got bad news checked on da sprouts this mornin and I got nat prob again 2 sprouts were tipped over and looked like something was eatin the leafs , straightened dem back up but hopefully they recover but the others look great. the co2 pucks seem to bubble alot but how good they work i dunno.

Mr. Deisel

sucks about those sprouts. wonder if those nats are eating the damn leaves... either way glad those others are good and hope the bad ones recover quickly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BY THE WAY!

Mr. Deisel

Yeah sucks nothing could go down tonight but always the next day. my birthday is coming up too. Shits going down. ill holla at you tomorrow afternoon and we can kick it.


yeah cropped out that blue hopefully a half but shit now that it dried for bout a day that shit look way better than the pics i got but shit gonna put a few pics up soon. Sprouts healthy bubba under both light fixtures hopefully the bitch bloom soon.

Mr. Deisel

damn yo! got no more nugs now huh.. hopefully u gonna have hairs on everything soon. cant wait to see some of that blue tho. it aint dry enough yet to smoke? what u gonna be doing today?

Mr. Deisel

Thanks for posting Rob. Its all good tho. My final weight was only like 10g haha. went through a lot of stress when it was young and kind of some crappy lights for a while. last few weeks was the best. smokes good tho. got like one blunt left =)

And KGA hell yeah i guess its pretty late now but ill come thru tomorrow forsure. ill bring that last of my papaya

Mr. Deisel

It was pretty good.. only like 10grams dry. coulda been more but that plant went through a whole bunch of stress growing up. But I got some autoflowers now and this time they are going to be a lot better. Ill have pics up soon. cant find my damn cord!! How are yours doing?


Well-Known Member
My plants are doing fine :) I was hopping to yield a little bit more per plant but It's ok, I'm getting more or less the same as last summer in the balcony and it's great to be able to grow indoor (in my new night-stand and pc box). I still have to deal with powdery mildew and other stuff indoor but I really like it and hopefully I'll get it working much better soon :)

Mr. Deisel

yeah if i could grow outdoor that would be great. indoor is awesome too though. About how much per plant are you getting?


Well-Known Member
In the balcony I have harvested 4 already, 2 of them gave only 7g and the other two 12g and 15g.
I still have a few that are not ready yet and that I'm hopping are gonna yield around 20g each, one of them will be dry next week so I'll see how much she gives.

Last year the ones that yield less gave 10g and 15g and the ones that yield more 30g.