first grow changed


New Member
I was planning on using clones from my friend but after looking at this plants they look dead or close to.

so now i will be growing from seed, how ever not got enough research done on this yet.

i have ordered blue cheese, but im guessing i can not use the equipment i bought from day 1. firstly i have the plagron bat mix, but read this may be to rich to start seeds in, can anyone confirm this? if so im guessing just basic soil?

then the 600w light and tent, would i be better starting with a cfl light for a week or 2?

any info would be appriciated


Well-Known Member
Pics please use fox farm soil its cheap but mix in 30% perlite to give better drainage, you may add the bat shit later just a pinch at a time, germ then use 1-2 cfl;s to veg until big enough or get a T8/T5 light they are cheap


Well-Known Member
I would use flourescents all through veg..hid is a waste of energy..yes only medium no added nutrition until you transplant out of the seedling cops


New Member
Cheers guys. i have a 3ft tube light handy and also some cfls that i can borrow. would i still run it on say a 18/6 or would i be better on a 24/0
i will get some other soil over the weekend vostok.

kermit, i ideally need to use the hid light as its what is generating the heat for me. mid day at the minute where i have my tent it is only around 10 degrees, so the light system is what will give me the extra heat needed.

thanks again

and i will pop pics up as soon as i have some little ones in the tent :)

is heat an issue with the seeds?
A method I use works really well a tamp tissue I find dries out. I like to just drop a seed in a shot glass with distilled or bottled water until it sinks. Then I dump the water and replace with new water until the sprout emerges. Then the last thing is emptying the water out until the sprout is half in the water and half is getting air just my 2 cents :)


Well-Known Member
10 degrees? Jesus dude a damn cfl tube or whatever isn't gonna heat it up lmao. Maybe 1 degree or so. Your gonna need a heater in that bitch or just use the 600w and see what temps are. Yeah it uses more electricity then cfl tube but if you need a heater with the cfl tube it's gonna be cheaper I think. Honestly I don't think the 600 will heat it up enough with proper ventilation i say it's going to be 10 degrees max higher then your room temps. When I used a tent and setup ventilation it only raised it up to 10 degrees. So 65 degree room temp is 75 degree tent temp.


Well-Known Member
Moist paper towel won't dry out if you keep it in a baggy.

FFOF is great and holds all the food your plant will need for the first 30 days or so of life.

When it comes time to feeding you can use whatever you want from FF's line to all organic.

Try the lucas formula as a baseline and to learn what the plant wants/doesn't want.

Either GH Floramicro/Florabloom @ 8ml/16ml per gallon of water or 7 grams of GH Maxibloom per gallon of water.

pH your water and nute solution between 6.0 and 6.5 since it is soil.


Well-Known Member
Moist paper towel won't dry out if you keep it in a baggy.

FFOF is great and holds all the food your plant will need for the first 30 days or so of life.

When it comes time to feeding you can use whatever you want from FF's line to all organic.

Try the lucas formula as a baseline and to learn what the plant wants/doesn't want.

Either GH Floramicro/Florabloom @ 8ml/16ml per gallon of water or 7 grams of GH Maxibloom per gallon of water.

pH your water and nute solution between 6.0 and 6.5 since it is soil.
I forgot to mention the paper towel. But I agree with u. I don't use a baggy but mine don't dry out unless I forget about it for a week or so. I check every 2 or 3 days and use a spray bottle to keep it moist.


Well-Known Member
Buy some ffof, or happy frog soil. Mix with perlite 30-40%. Then just pop in your bean, cover, and water in. As soon as it sprouts up, get one CFL on it (23watt actual) 5000k temperature. Add another CFL every week. In a month you should have 100 actual watts of CFL or more. Then you can break out the HPS to flower.


Well-Known Member
Buy some ffof, or happy frog soil. Mix with perlite 30-40%. Then just pop in your bean, cover, and water in. As soon as it sprouts up, get one CFL on it (23watt actual) 5000k temperature. Add another CFL every week. In a month you should have 100 actual watts of CFL or more. Then you can break out the HPS to flower.
100w of cfl should be fine for a seedling so no need to add one additional cfl per week. I don't see the point in that.