First Grow - CFL


Fertilized 3 days ago. I watered today, and might give a weak fertilization on the next watering as my last one before harvest.

BMJ is doing great. Heavy buds that are slumped over (I'm propping them up with branches from LMJ).

LMJ still looks sick. It seems as though it may be a Mg deficiency, but my epsom salt solution may not be working. I don't think she'll be ready in 11 days, when I have to harvest, but oh well.

pics 1-2: BMJ
pics 3-4: LMJ


I drilled some holes in the rims of the pots for tie down points for LST (using old computer wire). I tied down both ladies today.

is this standard practace? im asuming this will keep the plants shorter. how much shorter will they get and does it harm the plant in anyway? also is there somewhere or someone that shows the procedure to doing this, ie where to tie down how manny ect.


Well-Known Member
Fertilized 3 days ago. I watered today, and might give a weak fertilization on the next watering as my last one before harvest.

BMJ is doing great. Heavy buds that are slumped over (I'm propping them up with branches from LMJ).

LMJ still looks sick. It seems as though it may be a Mg deficiency, but my epsom salt solution may not be working. I don't think she'll be ready in 11 days, when I have to harvest, but oh well.

pics 1-2: BMJ
pics 3-4: LMJ
your going to harvest in 11 days and still using nutes? bet your not going to be happy in the end you should be flushing now not adding nutes.
your going to harvest in 11 days and still using nutes? bet your not going to be happy in the end you should be flushing now not adding nutes.
true from what ive heard you should flush out the plants at the end and no water the last day or two this will keep the buds form the taste of the nutes and help in faster drying
ive been hearing lately of new higher watt self ballasted cfls. i think u can get up to like 105 w ones that just need a normal light socket. when i resume growing in a month thats what im gonna use if i can find em.

on ebay you can get 250w self ballasted grow bulbs in 2700k or 6500k they are 8900lumens 1250w incandesont equivalent they are about $50 sounds like a good deal

but im going to go with the 2 105w cfls for the $50

also i just got 2 65w 2700k self ballast cfls for $15 at lowls 300w equivalnt


your going to harvest in 11 days and still using nutes? bet your not going to be happy in the end you should be flushing now not adding nutes.
I read in Cervantes book to stop nutes 7-10 days before harvest. I flushed today. Hopefully, that's OK.


I drilled some holes in the rims of the pots for tie down points for LST (using old computer wire). I tied down both ladies today.

is this standard practace? im asuming this will keep the plants shorter. how much shorter will they get and does it harm the plant in anyway? also is there somewhere or someone that shows the procedure to doing this, ie where to tie down how manny ect.
Yes. The plants turn out much shorter and it doesn't harm them (as long as you don't snap the stem). Search LST on google and you'll find some good info.


Man, it's been hot!!!!

Record heat in the NW. No A/C. Yikes.

Got to 90+ degrees and high humidity yesterday. I'm spraying down the leaves when I get home from work, but plenty of hot temps in the box for quite a while.

Harvest in 3 days!


Harvest day today. I need to leave for about a week, so I've harvested and manicured. I've hung the nuggets in my grow box after taking down the lights. I've kept a small PC fan in the box, and I'm still using the Vortex fan and carbon scrubber to move air through the box.

My LMJ yield was much less than BMJ. I'm sure they're different strains, can't both be blue mountain jamaican, because they look and smell different. Soon find out :joint:

Manicuring took about 4 hours for 2 plants.

Pics 1-3: LMJ,
Pics 4-6: BMJ

