First Grow - CFL


Well-Known Member
I'm lucky this year so far the tap is running 7-7.4 mix 50/50 with distiled to hit 6.4-6.8 and ppm's are 135ish


I started germinating 2 more seeds, because I've really only got one healthy plant, and what if she's not a she :cry:.

All the growing conditions were identical, so my 1 of 5 success rate probably means bad genetics.


I started germinating 2 more seeds, because I've really only got one healthy plant, and what if she's not a she :cry:.

All the growing conditions were identical, so my 1 of 5 success rate probably means bad genetics.
I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my smaller plant (LMJ). Her leaves seem shrivelled compared to BMJ, and the leaf development is really slow.

pH seems good, I water twice per day with a mist spray bottle (the soil really dries out, at least near the surface). Is it a nute deficiency or just bad genetics? Pic 2 is LMJ.



I started low dose nutes today, about 1/3 strength. I also changed my watering amounts. I had been watering in smaller amounts twice per day, but I read that this may cause the roots to grow up because of the lack of water deep. So today, I used about 350 mL of water (with nutes) on each plant. Hopefully, I didn't drown or burn my ladies.:?

I think that the curling of the leaves may have been underwatering, but we'll see.

I'll record my progress.


Well-Known Member
Them little guys don't need a ton of water. You just watered them good so let them dry out a few days. One big noob mistake is over watering. mj roots need to dry beteween waterings. Even the little ones.


Well, the ladies look really good after the thorough watering and the low nute dose. Looks like I'll need to water every 2 or 3 days (instead of twice a day with my spray bottle method). My concern with overwatering before was probably underwatering. Nube mistake.

Pic 2 was my under-developed lady (LMJ).



Due to my limited grow box space, I will try LST. I cut up a clothes hanger to make hooks. I've anchored the hook to the soil and hooked between the 2nd and 3rd internode on each plant. The stems were already bending, so I figured it would be a good time to start.



I'm feeding nutes in two consecutive waterings. I started 3 days ago with about a third strength Pura Vida. The ladies looked fine (maybe slightly nute deficient with the soilless). Today, I bumped up to 50% aggressive (grow+bloom combo). The recommended on the bottle is feeding every third watering, but since I started so dilute, I figure 2 consecutive is OK.


Well-Known Member
i used tape on mine, i tied the softest string i could find then bent it over and taped it to the edge of the pot. works good if u start it right from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
you need to start slow with the nutes. Alot of nutes wll burn your plants. never use nutes more then every other watering. You start slow to build up nutes in the plants. Mj can take alot of nutes if you build up slow.


Looks like the ladies are loving the nutes! LST seems to be working so far, as the new growth is up towards the lights.

Got 2 more seedlings today, too!

Hopefully BMJ (pic 1) is a female that I can clone, but if not, I'll try to grow a couple more plants. LMJ looks healthy, but is just much slower than BMJ.



you need to start slow with the nutes. Alot of nutes wll burn your plants. never use nutes more then every other watering. You start slow to build up nutes in the plants. Mj can take alot of nutes if you build up slow.
Good advice. I'm not really sure where my nute level is now, so I'm doing a little experimenting. I started with about a 1/3 dose, and then went to 1/2 the next watering. Now I'll water twice, and feed full strength in about a week.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the ladies are loving the nutes! LST seems to be working so far, as the new growth is up towards the lights.

Got 2 more seedlings today, too!

Hopefully BMJ (pic 1) is a female that I can clone, but if not, I'll try to grow a couple more plants. LMJ looks healthy, but is just much slower than BMJ.
actually, im almost positive that the quickest growing plants tend to be male.


Well-Known Member
when I start mine It takes about 5 weeks to get up to full mix but I increse 50-75 ppm"s every other water and a little higher at the end. How ever you do it. The plant will tell you if it needs more or less. So keep an eye on them if the tips start turning brown back off on the nutes.