First grow CFL needs help please

5 weeks flowering.....patience is a virtue, it's hard not to leave these girls alone, but I've made it this far.....I'm sure I can make it another 4 weeks or more if needed....

Heres some new pics; one special pic of outside plant- she just started to preflower, proly veged for 2 months or so; 1 month and half under cfl, and the rest of time its been outside enjoying the sun......
theres descriptions on all pics so Ill stop boring yall and get to them already ; )
hey man i was considering planting one of my seeds outside next year and i am kind of concerned, like about pests and insects getting to it. Cutting off the bottom leaves will help them from keeping away from the plant right?
It seemed to help; just know the branches will try to grow back, cut again and after the second time shouldn't grow back anymore...I do check often as I can (for bugs that is), during early hrs especially (when it seems bugs are feeding). I was concerned as well; I just decided to plant a few outside as well as inside, knowing the inside plants will be easier to keep bugfree etc...the ones outside if they grow awesome, if they are a bugs lunch it's sad but I still have the ones inside ; )

I'm not person to be giving advice though; I can just document what Ive observed throughout the grow------->>>hope it helps
Usually like 8am until about 1pm when I notice bugs, 10 amish seems to be the time they really out and about......where I'm at anyways....
I would just make sure to have a few indoors.....just in case outdoors dont turn out so well; ill keep posting pics of the 3 ladies I have until they harvested.....The 2 inside should be soon, the one outside just started her journey, might be awhile...every saturday though new pics ; )

I have become a tad impatient though, have started to pick at the plant I'm having troubles with fan leaves; I just can't wait........struggling to get through these next few weeks
yea i decided to wait till next year then im going to do one party cup grow, 2 outside, and then a few in my basement. Right now im just trying to scrap some money together, TIMES ARE TOUGH RIGHT NOW.
i hear pics 12 hrs from now ;) ..............just know its only of plant 1 now, and outside highhopes.....we wont discuss plant 2 anymore
6weeks flowering
Buds seem to be getting denser, few more red pistols, nearing the end- I plan on harvesting 8 weeks of flowering, just hope not to soon though i pulled plant 2 at 5 & 1/2 weeks into flowering(dont suggest doing this, didnt really get me high and wish i hadent)....
I may need to bring in the outside plant when this one inside is done; don't need neighbors seeing or smelling anything, and she getting tall(for me anyways, almost 3 feet now)........nough bs, here the pics....