First grow CFL male or female?


Hi everyone new to this thread, i started my first cfl grow, can anyone help determine male or female, or any other suggestions, looks like a female to me? If so should i start flowing process soon?


Active Member
so you can start flowering, if its just one or 2 small cfls there isn't much point trying to veg it to grow more because it is in a small space. use different spectrum bulbs like 2700k and 3500k 0r 6500k to help with cfl flowering. male or female too hard to tell


Active Member
As you grow you will become familiar with how a plant grows. First you get fan leaves, and stipules, then nodes sprout out of the base of most fan leaves.

You won't be able to sex a plant accurately until you see the final stage of growth, the calyxs. These are the sexual anatomy and they sprout between the stipules and the nodes.

Even when these first show up they are very difficult to sex, but without them you have pretty much zero chance unless you're a plant whisperer.

Here is a pic from my own plant showing where. I have determined that this is a female, but i was not able to from the area shown. in my higher nodes i have pistils:

sexual anatomy layout.png


Active Member
To add to Whymedesigns posting, which is accurate and great pic IMHO, when the calyxes that form at the "stipules and nodes" this is called the pre-flower stage. Cannabis plants will show pre-flowers if they have vegged for 4 weeks or longer. If you don't see them now you can still switch the light to 12/12 and it will take about a week to see them. At that time you can tell the sex.

I don't know how long you've vegged your plant for my guess is it's not old enough to show any pre-flowers.

- SB -


thanks for all your suggestions, i vegg for alomst more then a month, next time i will invest HID's or HPS.... i'm using four 5000k 32watt bulbs, i will add more bulbs for diff light spectum. maybe take a closer pic.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
You should really bend her over and tie her down to the side of her pot. use something soft and thick so you don't cut the plant also leave it lose so it has room to grow this will allow the entire plant to see the same amount of light. then you should build a reflector to go right on top of your cfls so that ALL light is directed down onto your plant and you will really see a difference with the amount of light your using building a reflector will make a HUGE difference dont let the small amount of light your using to (run away)! good luck man that plant looks great.