First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious


Well-Known Member
I figured I should mention this while I'm thinking about it. I'm using 2 vantec tornado 92mm's for exhaust. They are freaking loud, but they move some air.. They are working great with the carbon filter I built. So if anyone is thinking about buying them, beware, they are loud. No big deal for me though, they aren't much louder than the fans in my pc. :lol: Originally I had the fans hooked up to 12v adapters but the adapters didn't have the required wattage and they were getting super hot so I had an old comp psu laying around that worked great. I would advise anyone who is using comp fans to wire them to a psu.


Well-Known Member
12V adapters are pains in the ass bro. i have 2 in my pc i gotta figure out a way to have the fans still work when i switch to 12/12 cuz i don't have enough room in the pc for a timer just on the outside


Well-Known Member
12V adapters are pains in the ass bro. i have 2 in my pc i gotta figure out a way to have the fans still work when i switch to 12/12 cuz i don't have enough room in the pc for a timer just on the outside
What I did was plug the fans to the comp psu and have the lights plug into a timer, which plugs into a power strip, the psu is also plugged into the same power strip. So when the lights shut off the fans stay running. Since I'm using comp fans and a comp power supply it's plug and play for the lights. Just have to either buy a switch to turn the psu on and off if one isn't built in. My PSU has a built in on/off switch so all I had to do was connect the ground and green off the 24pin

My lights are plugged into 2 power strips which plug into the timer. I hope that makes sense. :lol:

What light schedule are you running right now?

Here's my timer, It's a PITA to set but it works great when you figure it out.$Ntt=utilitech%20timer$y=0$x=0


Well-Known Member
What I did was plug the fans to the comp psu and have the lights plug into a timer, which plugs into a power strip, the psu is also plugged into the same power strip. So when the lights shut off the fans stay running. Since I'm using comp fans and a comp power supply it's plug and play for the lights. Just have to either buy a switch to turn the psu on and off if one isn't built in. My PSU has a built in on/off switch so all I had to do was connect the ground and green off the 24pin

My lights are plugged into 2 power strips which plug into the timer. I hope that makes sense. :lol:

What light schedule are you running right now?

Here's my timer, It's a PITA to set but it works great when you figure it out.$Ntt=utilitech%20timer$y=0$x=0
Im using 24 hours of light all the way through veg. and im using 2 26w cfl im only in a pcgrow box.


Well-Known Member
Day 10
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 40-45%
Light: 20/4

Lights are about to go off, everything seems to be very stable. Steady growth, the plants are starting to stretch towards the lights so I'm gonna move them down when lights come back on.

Sour Cream



What it do peeps! I'm here on a mission and it looks like pimpin got his grow going. Its time to see if I can cfl it again but I'm going this time with kings kush and rocklock, I got a bubble at a friends house also with my short rider. Time to have a lil grow time =) your plants look very healthy dude.


Well-Known Member
What it do peeps! I'm here on a mission and it looks like pimpin got his grow going. Its time to see if I can cfl it again but I'm going this time with kings kush and rocklock, I got a bubble at a friends house also with my short rider. Time to have a lil grow time =) your plants look very healthy dude.
Thanks, if you get going with a cfl grow get a journal up. I love looking others at CFL journals.


Well-Known Member
Day 11
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 40-45%
Light: 20/4

Well, this morning I was looking at the sour cream and the root was growing parallel to the dirt but the leaves were point upwards so I kinda did some stuff to it and got the root to be somewhat straight again, then I tied them to sticks, then I took the sticks off and recovered the stem in dirt. The bubbilicious seems to be missing a leaf. Kinda weird but it's still growing great.

Sour Cream



New Member
They look great if you ask me On my plants i have defects in my plants too where there asnt a leave!!!! Go look a my grow just posted new pics!! your plants look awsome yo!


Active Member
looking great. Just an update, I would recommend switching the lights to 12/12 for the BB. I don't believe they are truly autoflowering. I switch mine today, after 6 weeks. Will let you know if that triggers them to flower.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Cherrylimonlime...Switch the BB to 12/12 when you want them to flower.




Well-Known Member
I plan on switching them both to 12/12 at about 3 weeks. They are growing very fast now. I gave them a good watering last night. I need to figure out how to get that dust off the sc. I was sanding the door a bit so it can close better. I added some rubber seal to light proof it better.

Day 12
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 40-45%
Light: 20/4

Sour Cream



Well-Known Member
Day 13
Temp: 76-84
Humidity: 38-45%
Light: 20/4

I can't believe how much they've grown in only 10 days. I think I'm going to have to flower them earlier than I thought I was going to. If they do indeed double or triple in size. I might have to flower when they're 8-10" tall. I'm not sure if I want to LST them.. Guess I'll find out in a few days.

Sour Cream



Well-Known Member
Probably won't get pics up today because family is over. Very nice change since yesterday on the Bubbilicious not so much on the sour cream. Temp peaked at 90 because I had the door closed. Had to open it, 3 minutes later it was down to 78.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention I relocated the grow lights, they were hanging vertically from the top of the box, now they are on the left and right side of the box. I gained a few inches of grow space for when they get tall and I think they are getting more light overall since more light comes off the side than the top of the bulbs.