First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
lol i think you got part of it down... when you click that link its just a pic of an arrow tho lol. long time paper whats up


Well-Known Member
back and forth to atlantic always doing ok live but online kills me the plays these people be doing..didnt read thread,but how was tahoe..sorry ifya reposting


Well-Known Member
haha yeah it was chill. didnt win shiit played 3 tourneys tho it was fun... 12 of 100 best i did, top 9 got paid go figure lol. picked up a new bong there too haha its a few pages back i think...

heres a few close up pics for today now that the buds are starting to fill in :weed: i gave them all a helping of molasses yesterday and will probably do so once a week from here on out until harvest... first pic is cali indica, second is skywalker, and the others are the 3 purple wreck...



Well-Known Member
damn everything looks so perfect mannn..good shit as running to hydro store to get more nutes right now..ill hit you when i get back and tell you all about my bullshit haha


Well-Known Member
haha good shit man. still waitin for this damn NL to do some shit. 31 days flowering now and it has like the smallest buds lol. supposedly 45-50 day flower plant so i guess well see in a few more weeks... this fuckin skywalker looks like its gunna be nuts tho haha only 24 days flowering so far and its 56-63 days!! 5 more weeks these bitches will be huge! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
indeed man,as they say give her time shell come around..i had that fungis gnat problem under semi control..dont see them flying around at all,but the min. i stop with the neem oil (every 3-4 days)i start seeing them..those lil fuckers are gangsta lol...anyway dont know what caused what,but my roots started to get really dark in color and new growth was starting to die going into reconstruction mode tonight.starting evrything as if the plants were only 2 weeks or so old...i dont think i did a good water drench after neem drench and now i got like soap bubbles in there like my ladies are taking a bubble was crazy!..back to sqaure 1 for me....pffff,but ill get it right sooner than later trust me


Well-Known Member
mann,fuck that..thats the beauty of hydro dont know??..if i fuck up all i have to do is drain/flush and im here we are fuckin up


Well-Known Member
Hey Dk, I got 3 NLs going right now too and mine are exactly 10 days behind yours on flowering and they aren't doing too much either. Hearing you say that makes me feel alot better. Those pics look good though.


Well-Known Member
thanks chunky... yeah i didnt even post pics of the NL haha since, well.. theres nothing really to see... maybe they just fuckin take off the last 2 weeks?? lol i dunno man seems pretty weird to me i guess we will find out soon enough...

lol paper yeah but if you fuck up soil you can drain/flush too. and its not at all as easy to fuck up as hydro!


Well-Known Member
why thank you hayduke. just did a little trimming on the girls. cut off all the little dying parts that were left and most of the smaller bud sites at the bottom. mainly on the NL so hopefully the top will fill in over the next two weeks or so. its says that its a 45-50 day flowering plant but what if it doesnt look done by then lol. is it cool to let it go another week or two or what?? these skywalker and purple wreck are gettin bigger every day and frosty as fuck already. and they still have another 5 weeks or so to go :weed:


Well-Known Member
I would say let the trichromes tell you when they are done. The flower time is under ideal conditions (which of course you actually have) my guess is the NL will take 9-10 weeks since they are so slow to flower. Its not like you won't have plenty of fine smoke to hold you over!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
9-10 weeks?? on the package it says 45-50 days... thats like 7 weeks lol. i thought that seemed pretty fast to me but i guess no harm in letting it go longer if the trichs dont look ready yet...


Well-Known Member
I think mine said 55-65 days. If any stress at all is caused it can delay growth from days to weeks. I'm not saying!.......I'm just saying.


Well-Known Member
Mannnnn..isnt flushing with soil messy??..i hear u have to put 3x's the amount of water just to flush soil...dont confuse my noob duties with what is actually just a high guy who wants his own smoke and make something from it...i drain water and put in done! much easier do you want it? Lol


Well-Known Member
yeah i think ill let them go at least 8 weeks then, they dont look to be ready by another two weeks but you never know! lol paper i dont even know man ive never had to flush before besides when i harvested my last plant. just sounds like you keep running into problems with the hydro all i was sayin!


Well-Known Member
nice pics DKskater!!

the buds are fattening up and looking really good......:)
How's the NL doing?