First Grow - CFL City


Active Member
Wow dude, looking nice. Those are some tight nodes. Sorry to hear about the runt, I was hoping it would turn out to be your best but oh well. I see where you splashed your plant with nutes, no biggie.

Can't wait to see some fat buds man, when do you plan on flowering?


Active Member
Wow dude, looking nice. Those are some tight nodes. Sorry to hear about the runt, I was hoping it would turn out to be your best but oh well. I see where you splashed your plant with nutes, no biggie.

Can't wait to see some fat buds man, when do you plan on flowering?

I was actually knit-picking at my finances yesterday and searcing craigslist for some type of suitable pre-made cabinet. I'm not going CFL for flowering, but I know I will have to deal with heat from a MH and theres no messing around with light leaks once they hit 12/12. I think my best bet is something pre-made. Still up for debate though.



Well-Known Member
I was actually knit-picking at my finances yesterday and searcing craigslist for some type of suitable pre-made cabinet. I'm not going CFL for flowering, but I know I will have to deal with heat from a MH and theres no messing around with light leaks once they hit 12/12. I think my best bet is something pre-made. Still up for debate though.

Im switching my gurls over to flower at 6:00am im gonna flower 5 plants 2 Choc Haze and 3 bagseed under 200w's 2700k of cfl in a 30 gal rubber made tub i might add 1 more bulb if the heat alows me. Don't sleep on using the cfls to flower with they wrk really well


Active Member
I was actually knit-picking at my finances yesterday and searcing craigslist for some type of suitable pre-made cabinet. I'm not going CFL for flowering, but I know I will have to deal with heat from a MH and theres no messing around with light leaks once they hit 12/12. I think my best bet is something pre-made. Still up for debate though.

It's always when you need something that you can't find it, lol. Craigslist is a good start. Classified section in the newspaper (WTF is a newspaper? lol) Yard sales, ask around too.

I got an oak dining table at a furniture store for $20 because the top was badly damaged. Sanded it down and re-finished it... easy-breezy.

Another option is to buy the cheapest panels you can find, Home Depot and Lowes have lots of shit marked down 50%... people have them mix paint and cut wood all the time before deciding not to buy it. Damaged, miscut, returned... sometimes the manager just slaps a $1 sticker on it. Ask one of the guys in lumber if they have any markdowns. Check out prices on particle board too, you could probably build a nice flower box for $10-$20. A few panels, angle brackets, screws, maybe some caulk to seal it up. We'll help you build it :)



Active Member
Update Time!!
We are on day 26 now, we just finished the 25th and beginning a new this evening. Everything seems to be going well and I really can't ask for more with less than a month experience.

Measured a few days back, my tallest is a bit over 7", and the other 2 aren't far behind. I'm not sure if this is due to the fact that I was a little slow transplanting them, or that I'm using CFL's, or that I TRIED to get them to stretch by raising the lights for a few days (and should have just left them be).

Since the last update everyone has been moved to 5 gallons. Still using FF Ocean Forest, lime and now blood meal. I fed twice with water and now once with 1/2 strength nutes. I guess because I'm a rookie I'm scared to bump up my nute schedule too quickly or is 26 days on par for 1/2 strength? Obviously they've gotten a lot of water in the mean time, maybe 3 to 1 or better - especially because of my heat issues. I've also begun some new plants to start a successive future harvest.

So here we are... day 26. I plan to veg for a while longer, no real set day. Then switch to HPS - which I haven't even aquired yet. I better get on the ball.

I'm not the best at sexing yet, since I've only ever looked at pictures. Since about day 15 I was seeing these sets of shots comming off parts of the stem. Now it seems that I've got little (flowers?) comming from those areas similar to the tops of the plants which I assume will be the main cola of each plant. I assume my detective work around day 15 was correct and I have all females? Two were from hermied mom anyways.

Thanks for checking!


BD 01
I'm happy on how it's filling out. Last week the leaves were all smushed together - although they are still a bit cramped now.

BD 02
This is the one I topped, just once. You can see it's a little lop-sided although it's evened out a bit. That one was cramped too. In the second pic you can see it's nice recovery from when I spilled some solution on a bottom leave. ;) Third is a stem shot where you can see the growths I described.

Here is my pride and joy right here. I'm glad I don't have kids because if I did I'd say I liked her better than them! Obviously just a gorgeous sativa dominant strain which is growing just wonderfully. I'm a sucker for symmetry and I haven't even touched this plant. The next picture is of the plants top.

Group Shot



Active Member
Wow man, those are some beautiful specimens!!! Your first grow seems to be going off without a hitch. Those nodes will stretch when they hit 12/12 though, keep em tight!!! Congrats and good health!!


Active Member
Wow man, those are some beautiful specimens!!! Your first grow seems to be going off without a hitch. Those nodes will stretch when they hit 12/12 though, keep em tight!!! Congrats and good health!!
Wouldn't be there without your help brother.

Not to be a noob, but from that shot of the main stem (which once again came out shitty...) and the picture of the top of the sour bubble - am I looking female? All the plants look the same pretty much. I'd love to keep that bubble again if the smoke is right, either by clone or attempt to reveg.

Ps, are you looking at water from this east coast storm? I just shop-vac'ed my whole sump area and fiddled with the lines and whatnot to make sure that all goes smoothe. I know I will be wet tonight/tomorrow.

Take care X, and stay dry my man.



Active Member
Wouldn't be there without your help brother.

Not to be a noob, but from that shot of the main stem (which once again came out shitty...) and the picture of the top of the sour bubble - am I looking female? All the plants look the same pretty much. I'd love to keep that bubble again if the smoke is right, either by clone or attempt to reveg.

Ps, are you looking at water from this east coast storm? I just shop-vac'ed my whole sump area and fiddled with the lines and whatnot to make sure that all goes smoothe. I know I will be wet tonight/tomorrow.

Take care X, and stay dry my man.

It's too early to tell, what's there isn't showing sex. The flowers will pop up right behind that little green flap that looks almost like a pistil.

LOL yeaman, I got the 'cane coming tonight, good thing I'm off from work. Got me a 30 pack and 16x 10/325 oxy's WOOHOOO hurricane party. Anyway, I added 10' extensions to the bottom of my gutters to direct the foot of rain we're getting away from the foundation, had to fight some fat chick for them at home depot, place was mobbed.

I'm more concerned about my plants, some people won't have electric for a week. I'll be looking into generators after this bullshit :)


Active Member
Geeze, how long do these things take to grow!

I was hoping for that confirmation that they were gals! Like I said though, two were from hermied plants - so those should be female. That sativa dom. wasn't though and if that ends up a male it would break my heart. However I guess it wouldn't be a total loss. There might still be enough time in the year to get it outside long enough to get some pollen from it. That plant has some sweet genetics in it, and apparently there not stable as seen from the cabbage plant and 1 other failed seed I've had. Male or female that specific pheno needs preserving.

I wouldn't want to have to start researching breeding mid-way during my first grow, that'd be a pain in the ass! Can't say I'm not capable though. I told you I had experience in biology. Coincidently, breeding medically significant arthropods and researching best hubandry practices for captively rearing offspring. Not only have I been responsible for adult collections ranging in the 100's (nevermind junveniles), working with creatures that routinely sting, eat each other during copulation... Not an easy task. Especially when the males don't do there job.

Yeah as long as I spend enough time learning about plants - I thing those will be a lot easier. :) Haha.


Well-Known Member
Geeze, how long do these things take to grow!

I was hoping for that confirmation that they were gals! Like I said though, two were from hermied plants - so those should be female. That sativa dom. wasn't though and if that ends up a male it would break my heart. However I guess it wouldn't be a total loss. There might still be enough time in the year to get it outside long enough to get some pollen from it. That plant has some sweet genetics in it, and apparently there not stable as seen from the cabbage plant and 1 other failed seed I've had. Male or female that specific pheno needs preserving.

I wouldn't want to have to start researching breeding mid-way during my first grow, that'd be a pain in the ass! Can't say I'm not capable though. I told you I had experience in biology. Coincidently, breeding medically significant arthropods and researching best hubandry practices for captively rearing offspring. Not only have I been responsible for adult collections ranging in the 100's (nevermind junveniles), working with creatures that routinely sting, eat each other during copulation... Not an easy task. Especially when the males don't do there job.

Yeah as long as I spend enough time learning about plants - I thing those will be a lot easier. :) Haha.
Breeding pot is a hell of a lot easier than Praying Mantis or something else that eat's it's mate! LOL you don't need any help with the
grow man, you have it so dialed in it ain't funny. I can't wait to see the results! I assume you will be having an outdoor grow next year?


Active Member
22 days without an update here. Real talk, I'm a jerk. This is not a way to get followers!

I apologize friends. I posted one get of pictures in my local forum and sort of forget to put them here I guess. Also, since switching to 12/12 it's hard to get pictures. I use to do it in the early morning, however now my lights clock out at 5 a.m. therefore I've got to get them before 5 p.m. and bed. Usually I don't feel like yanking the plants out because my room is cramped as hell!

Update: As I said above, I'm on 12/12 now. I switched as soon as I got power service back after hurricane Irene. The plants missed the last 3 hours of one cycle and then 2 full cycles. (Of 18/6) Since I run my lights at night, I thought it was better to just leave them in the dark then give them sunlight on the completely opposite schedule. Once power resumed, I thought now is the best time as any for 12/12 - it was about day 30 anyways.

Recently I've moved the plants out of that cramped DIY cabinet and into one of my linen closets which is about twice as wide. The closet has a little shower access so I was able to route my vent right into the basement. I need to finish off that basement and get a real setup going asap. Thats the only thing restricting me right now is a dingy old basement.

Anyways, I also purchased some Tiger Bloom. They got their first feeding a few days ago and some water the day before yesterday. Tonight is more TB. Maybe I will give another update tomorrow night as these pictures are 3 days old.








Active Member
Wow, those are some beautiful plants!!! Looks like you've got 4 main shoots on that one plant, is that the only one you topped? Good stuff, Tiger Bloom... a little low on the PH but that's why we add the lime ;)

It must be frustrating for you to have such perfect plants and not be able to update as often as you'd like. I take my plants out of the closet when I water them, perfect time for pics. I take pics whether updating or not (healthy or not) to compare to my other grows. It's interesting to see the effects of forgetting to add/use this or that, the difference in growth between MH and CFL.... or the effects of a power failure in your case to compare with future grows. I often look at pics from past grows and try to learn from the experience.

I can't wait to see fat nuggets on those girls!!! :leaf:


Active Member
New, old pics.

Sorry again for the slow updates!

So we had a male in the bunch. First time grower, I guess I'll learn how to spot it sooner the future - you fooled me you bastard. Anyways, RIP sour bubble. However I took a cutting, flowered it and saved a tiny bit of pollen. That was a strong plant.

Heres the top cola of one of.

Uploaded with

Sugar Shot

Uploaded with

Plant that was topped @ 2 weeks.

Uploaded with


Uploaded with


Active Member
Morning Wajimaya,

Sorry I've been slow with them! I've only got between 5pm (lights on) and when I hit the sack to take pictures. Then if I don't post them the next day I figure "There old, I'll post new ones tonight". Then I don't. I took more last night, I will get them up this afternoon!

Right now we are 34 days into flower... 64 days total. :) I just really want to try this stuff, I'm getting angry! LOL

It seems to have a real hashy smell when you bury your nose into it, plus a very slight skunk touch. However as far as growing smell, you'd never ever know these were in the closet. Whatever strain this is would be great for people who need stealth.


Active Member
man.... those are some healthy plants, tight nodes on your cola. I'd like to see that thing get massive, so much that you have to prop it up :-P How many weeks of flower total are you looking at?

Foliage looks incredibly healthy, 300w of cfl has some decent penetration, doesn't it? Not as strong as a hps, but enough to keep a 3' plant healthy and green. This is certainly one of the most successful cfl grows I've ever seen.

props... :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks brother! Good words as always... you've been my main man on this site since literally day 1. Shit I wouldn't have even built my lighting set up without you and your help.

The cfl has decent penetration. When I saw HPS in action for the first time I definently saw the difference though like you mentioned. I have one light more twoards the bottom just to get something going on in there. When you look at the plant its easy to see where the buds are growing and where they aren't.

For a while now I've been tucking fan leaves, but those bastards pop themselves back in place almost daily. Now is more important than ever though because with the buds the stems are too heavy to move to the light and the fan leaves will cover entire buds if you don't watch them.

For the last few days I've also been pruning some of the very bottom nodes. I was having a problem with them yellowing then getting attacked by fungi anyways.... the cfl just can't reach them. What I've been doing instead (for laughs) is pruning and shoving the trimmings into the soil. A few have rooted w/o powder or anything. They wilt over for a day or so then just spring up - if anyone ever said this isn't a hardy plant.... they lie like a rug.