First Grow - CFL + Bagseed + Cabinet (previously rubbermaid)


Well-Known Member
mine was stronger at the stage of showing sex then they are now..... its more like the smell of general plant smell now, although other people have smelt it while being in the shed it no longer stinks enough to worry me


Active Member
Ya that's about where I'm at. I have an air freshener that can definitely overpower it i just havent bought batteries for it yet lol


Active Member
Made it home last night about an hour too late to check on the girl so it had to wait till after work today but all is well. only one bud got close to a bulb and that was because an LST string came loose. Other than that, buds are filling in nicely, and theyre starting to smell like what i remember the bud to smell like (sweet, citrusy with a slight hint of skunk). I'll let the pics do the talking... the very last pic is what one fim'ed top turned out to be...



Well-Known Member
wow... masses of tops ... that girl is NUG Central....... the net did more then i gave it credit for, good growing my friend


hey i just started growing using cfl i planted a bunch of bag seeds and i was wondering will it be easy for me to tell the sex of the plant? what was the 1st sign of a male? and when do they start dropping pollen? so when is it to late to separate the males. THANKS FOR ALL THE INFO!!!!!


AND the pictures you posted of the male plants "balls" what day was that into your flowering or 12/12 cycle? THNX!


Well-Known Member
sexing is fairly easy... but nerv racking for every first time grower.... normally after a week or so after switching your lights to 12 hours dark and twelve hours light (12/12) the plants will show signs of sex ... the males will grow (little) balls on stalks ... where the female will sprout white hairs from a green lump on the stem .... i think thats the easyest way of telling ... some people talk about pre-flower signs of sex, and stuff .... and males tend to show sex earlier then females (but not always) .... and if you have only just started that gives you loads of time to read up... but don't be worried its a simple as female (good) male (chop!)


LOL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PROMPT REPLY! so how long into the 12/12 cycle does the male drop pollen? i'm just trying to figure out a time period lol my plants are only 4 days old but i've all ready put so much into them that i don't wanna have bunch of hermies @ the end lol. i also read in another thread that "hermies" can be genetic is that true?. i received these seeds from an oz i purchased about a months ago there were like 10 seeds per gram alot of seeds but the bud was actually not bad at all.?


and when the "balls are fully developed how long from that point are they fertile? or is it like an instant thing that bye the time there fully developed they become pollen pumping machines? lol


Well-Known Member
yeah i know what your asking... (but i don't know the actual ansa) ... with my last grow (greenhouse, bagseed) i left them for 2-3 weeks after sex showed and had bunches of them rather then the 1 or 2 when they first develop and i had no problems... i cut them and left the females and didn't have a single seed so from that i'd say you have 2-3 weeks easy to sort them out before any worries


Well-Known Member
yeah some strains are more prone to herm .... but thats less common then human error causing it, light leaking in during dark period is favorite, followed by every sort of stress we put on our plants under that you can imagin.... shit conditions, poor care, lack of light,STRESS training of plants, and the list goes on ... but i think if you have done what you have said "done your homework" you will be pretty unlucky to see a plant herm.. if you ever see one

grow them in large pots ... dont be cheap on soil (garden dirt is no good) water when they need it! (i just f**ked up mine up a little)

and most importantly start a grow journal on here before we upset the owner of this one ;-)


Active Member
My plants showed sex about a week after switching to 12/12. While I don't know the exact answer as to when the males can actually pollinate stuff, I removed them as soon as I confirmed they were males (thanks to some help here on RIU). As long as you remove them within a week or so you shouldn't have any problems with pollination. Thanks for stopping by. Everything troutie said is good advice.


Well-Known Member
i'd say you have 2-3 weeks easy to sort them out before any worries
Well said √ I'd go more with the 2 week mark, but if your not completely sure it's a male, just give it some time to show it's balls. The balls have to open, before the pollen sack can even drop.....if you see your balls start to crack, that's a good sign to get it out ASAP.