First Grow, CFL Autoflower closet grow

Hey, im giving growing a shot. So far im four days into from putting my germinated seeds into soil. Im using an earthbox, with granulate ferts, and 5500k CFLs for veg and 2700K for flower. Any constructive criticism would be appreciated because it is my first grow. Ill try to keep picture updates weekly.

The orange straw marks Pineapple express autoflower and the blue straw is Blue Himilaya autoflower.


Well-Known Member
your going to need alot more light fixure+bulbs go off what the bulb is not the equvalent 28 42 65 maybe mylar or tin foil the top to reflect the other half of the bulb (and sides)
bins are hard to grow in being a collective water source make sure to keep an eye on all plants
get like 200 300 watts of light both spectrums for both flowering and veg you have 2 months to get the rest of the flowering bulbs if your low on cash but make sure you get more light to veg and flower
control heat and circulation with a fan and fresh air doesnt hurt
Yeah, I got all the lights already just got them set up yesterday. This is where im at now. I also have two more along the top and the back side where I took the pictures from totaling in 8 CFLs. They seem to be doing a lot better now. They were stretching towards the lights yesterday but today they seem to looking good as seen below. I also moved the lights a tad bit closer to help with the stretching and then added a fan with a air filter to remove dust particles to help with strengthening the stems and circulation. I appreciate you giving me the heads up! I know about the HPS bulbs and so on. Im not really on a budget but its fucking hot as balls and humid like a mofo where im at and I want to keep the heat down as much as possible and keep the electric bill down as much as possible too. So yeah i guess it could be looked at as a budget thing lol.

Everything seems like its going well, only issue im seeming to have is the blue Himalaya is wanting to lean over. I don't know if its from the fan but I have a light over the top of it. I also used a straw to help keep it propped up since its still small.IMG_0280.jpgIMG_0281.jpg