First Grow! Cataract Kush, Burnt tips.


Active Member
Hey guys,
I recently started my first grow.
After Much trial and error i have one thriving baby. I feel as first timer I am over parenting in a way but who knows.

So down to the nitty gritty, my plant is around 2 weeks old.
I have it under 2 10w 50/50 daylight/bluelight cfl's, 1 regular 10w cfl kept 6 inches from plant and 1 160w Sun Simulating Mercury Vapour hung 35 inches from plant.
The closet is lined with tin foil(may remove and line with white paper), but the temperature is around 27 C at all times.

Before I corrected the heating situation I had set my MV lamp way to close to the baby but was closely watching it to make sure the heat didn't kill it.
It suffered from a few tiny burn spots and browned curled tips on a couple of the leaves.
The burns were recent and the plant is still growing strong im just worried.

With that being said I cant seem to determine the problem, wether it is over watering or heat stress.
I have been stupid with my waterings, I may have been watering to much?
I understand its a way vague post but I will post pictures tomorrow morning and give a little more detail on my situation.

Any general tips on my lights?
thanks :)
What do you mean you have stupid with waterings? How often have you been watering? Do you have proper drainage? Are you feeding nutes? How strong? Is your pH good? We need more info. And pics are always a plus.


Active Member
I just mean I haven't been on a schedule which I think resulted in me overwatering.
Im correcting that now. I have fed them Shultz All Purpose 10-15-10 twice.
The last time I fed them was about 3 days ago and it was a very mild solution.

Im not really sure about my pH because I have yet to buy a meter and up and down.
I'll probably go out today and purchase them.

I had my main MV HID 160w about a foot from the plant tops then I noticed the browning and minor yellowing.
The temperature was through the roof; around 38C. That was about 3 days ago.
I have since then raised my main light to about 30 inches from the plant top and the temp is steady around 26-27 C and a humidity around 50%.
I understand my set up is not perfect but I'm slowly working to building it up! :)

Tips/Help! Thanks guys :)
plant.jpgplant2.jpgset up.jpg



Active Member
I dont recomend feeding them at this stage, becouse there is enough nuts in soil for atleast 2-3 weeks( i would feed them only if i had soil with no nuts in it) . And i hope u ph-ed your water asap. Get some more ventiation too.


Active Member
I actually leave those cupboard doors open during the day so there is a lot of vent.
Im going to run out and grab a pH meter today :)

You don't think the little burns are anything to really worry about? As long as I correct the pH and hold off on nutes for another week or so?


I actually leave those cupboard doors open during the day so there is a lot of vent.
Im going to run out and grab a pH meter today :)

You don't think the little burns are anything to really worry about? As long as I correct the pH and hold off on nutes for another week or so?

Hey fella.. Whats up!? I think that's the problem!! There to young for nutes/fertilizers at the time being.. I would wait on that..
And for the watering, what I usually do my man is, I find me (go to a pharmacy) and tell them you need one of those medicine
syringes for your medicines, and they should just hand you one!! I do it all the time! I (when there babies) feed them just 1 ml
of water being careful not to over water! They don't like that all that much!! :sad: And that should fix your problem my friend...
Hope this works for you.. Other then that there looking good! Oh, and I have read numerous places, not to use a MV lamp.
If I remember correctly, something to do with the mercury or something!! I have always used HPS or the MH bulbs myself!
You could always change it out, would be simple! Anyways, happy growing bro.. Later..



Active Member
hahahahahaaha, ya its fairly ghetto.
We have a bunch of reptiles, had an extra meter kickin' around.

If you were being serious, any pet store.


Active Member
Thanks a bunch!
I watered them yesterday about 250ml's. Im going to wait about 3 or 4 days before I water them again.
Two fridays from now ill give them a little nute.

The light was just a sub for cost. Im a poor student ahaha.
