First Grow By Myself. Auto flowering Bubblicious Outdoors.


New Member
I'm starting off with 5 4 gallon pots filled with Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I'm doing the whole grow outside. Once they begin to flower I was going to put 1/4 to 1/2 of a flowertab from Nirvana in each pot and begin flushing about 10 to 14 days before harvest. Has anybody ever done an outdoor grow with Auto flowering Bubblicious or any auto flowering strain at all and tell me how it went and what to and not to do. Any advice? I dont want to hear anything about disliking Nirvana's seeds or if auto flowering is a waste of time in your opinion. I just want to know if there is anything simple I can do to improve my yield, quality, or any advice at all really. Would what I have planned be enough to have some some nice plants and a good yield or is there more I should do? PLEASE NO STORIES ABOUT GROWING INDOORS. I'm only with outdoors.


New Member
Ive grown several autoflowers but indoors and the yield are not the greatest and outdoors i would expect you got keep an eye on them everyday for pest and depends on your climate and the spot you choose to put it for the proper sun light


New Member
What should i do to keep away pests? & I live where there's a lot of humidity, its usually stays pretty hot until November or so. And as for proper sun light, I move them to follow the sun after shade starts to cover them. What is the most you've gotten off one autoflowering plant and did you do anything differently that time?