first grow bubblicious with cfl


Well-Known Member
I just got my seeds from nirvana and put them in paper towels on a plate with bottled water.
the system i am going to use is 6 plants in 3 autopots 4 105 watt cfl and 4 23 watt cfls, fox farm ocean breeze soil. questions for everyone is at what point do i need to start adding nutes and what lights should i have on in the beginning after they germinate. hope it all starts good, cant wait for the seeds to pop.


Well-Known Member
three out of six seed poped in the first 24 hours if i put them in soil tom how long til i should put them under a light


Well-Known Member
i have them in a mini greenhouse after i planted them in soil with 1 23 watt cfl on should i have the top of the grren house all the way down or a little open or nat at all?
also i put them in a peat strip 2x2 little biodegradeable plant thing is that ok? should i take this off or plant it with it on when the time comes?


Well-Known Member
i am on day 3 now and all the seed have opened up, I bought a bubbleponics kit off some guy yesterday and i think i am going to put three in the buble and two in the soil that i started within an auto pot. I am going to hook the auto pot up to the bubble as a resevoir think that will be ok? Any thoughts would be appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
How much did you spend on the bubble system?
More than likely you got ripped off
Those things are cheap as chips to build and you could build it to your specifications


Well-Known Member
I think i did ok i got 5 cfl 2 125 watt 2700k
2 125 watt 6500k and 1 125 watt 5000k and the whole bubbleponics system for 175.00
the one on stealth hydro but with 2 water pumps in case one clogs and 2 12" air stones and a dual air pump


Well-Known Member
Yesterday i took all my seedling and put them all in my bubbleponics system gave 1 to a friend so i have 5 left. starting there 2nd set of leaves today looking good so far.


Well-Known Member
having some problems with drooping leaves checked ph 5.5or 5.6 i think my res temp is to high cause the outside air is 80 + i am going to try putting ice bottles in the res to drop the temp hope this works. two of my plants don't have roots coming out of the bottom yet and those are the ones i am having troubles with


Well-Known Member
day 12 looiking good just added nutes for the first time 1/4 strength about 6-8 leaves on each plant got temps under control so pics coming soon