First grow. Bruce banner SCROG under 8 tube t5 soil mix

This is my set up. Closet grow covered in diamond foil, with zip up panda film door. closet door with deadbolt for added security. 8 tube 2 ft mixed spectrum (4x3000k, 4x6500k).
Will be growing in an airpot with 60/40 ocean forest / perlite mix.
Currently waiting on 2 clones of bruce banner #3, will take the better of the two clones once rooted and do some LST before SCROG. Any advice for successful cloning would be appreciated, using technaflora recipe for success nutes. Have a homemade humidome set up.
With light on room stays at about 72F and 50% humidity.
Really hoping to have a successful first grow, any and all feedback and advice is more than welcome. Anyone with experience who would like to chime in or give me any tips, please do! :)
Room is well ventilated for now, will be added a carbon scrubber before going into veg.
Please follow this grow journal!
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Well-Known Member
Nice and clean set up i like it ill be watching Bruce banner is meant to be great smoke looking to see what the T5's can do thinking of getting some for my veg tent cut down on heat from the metal halide

good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro one thing that stands out it's not a real big deal but plants in veg will grow faster with low temps and higher humidity
Clones 80 -100% Veg plants 60 - 80% starting high and lowering as you go flowering 40-50%

it's not a big deal but the plant will like it more and grow a little faster but with low temps like you have you will be fine :)
Thanks bro one thing that stands out it's not a real big deal but plants in veg will grow faster with low temps and higher humidity
Clones 80 -100% Veg plants 60 - 80% starting high and lowering as you go flowering 40-50%

it's not a big deal but the plant will like it more and grow a little faster but with low temps like you have you will be fine :)
yeah I was thinking of a few ways to raise the humidity once i'm in veg, was thinking a pail of water in front of my fan might help a bit, if not i'll throw a cheap humidifier in there
So I finally got this grow going, However I never got my hands on bruce banner clones. I'm growing Humboldt F300arms blue dream from seed, I germinated the seed in a peat pellet already planted in 100% Fox farm ocean forest in an air pot. also growing some vegetables in the room at the moment.
My lights for the corn and pepper are 2- 5400k T5
and the weed gets T5 3- 3000k, 3 - 6500k, 1 - super actinic bulb 420nm(aquarium bulb) 1-zoo med flora sun (aquarium plant growth bulb) (suggestions from the popular T5 led without led grow thread)
Blue Dream is three weeks today and needs some trimming. there is a lot of growth growing on and I'm not sure what to do. I am planning to add a scrog screen soon, how much trimming do i need to do? I have lots of healthy growth low on the plant. would love any advice. IMG_1038.JPGIMG_1029.JPG IMG_1033.JPG IMG_1036.JPG IMG_1013.JPG IMG_1027.JPG IMG_1034.JPG IMG_1028.JPG IMG_1037.JPG IMG_1025.JPG
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Well-Known Member
Hi mate things are looking awesome girl is super health best thing to do if your going to do the scrog is top this lady one to two times and this will get all the lower growth to catch up and ready for some LST then make it easier to fill the scrog net

If you don't want to top then start some low stress training asap so the side growth gets a chance to shoot off but i would recommend topping but that's just me

Remember when doing a scrog the plan is to fill the screen around 70%-90% before changing the lights trying to keep a new node in its own space on the screen for max yield
if you do it well you should have a screen of lets say 40 squares and they should all have there own cola

Another thing to take in is when you put this scrog net up and you have trained her for a good couple of weeks to fill the net once shes in that's it can't move her till you chop her down will you can move her but its a huge pain in the ass i had to do it once and never again!

so i would highly recommend putting her on a stand boost her up and finding a way to flush her out every now and again if you get a build up or lockout yes you lost some height but its a lot better then trying to life her up at a later date to flush forward thinking will save you a lot of stuffing around

Maybe get a bigger water tray for under her put a small hole in it close to the edge and have that bit over your stand so the run off can go in to a bucket this makes it easy to test your run off and do the 10% run to waste remember when flushing it's 2 times the size of the pot

Hope that helps and sorry for my grammar i had to teach myself :D if your unsure of anything just ask all the best looking forward to seeing how this girl turns out
Okay heres an update for the week,
topped her and started some lst.
second pic is showing her responding well to training 4 days later (today)
have also just begun using technaflora recipe for success, starting at 40% strength.
still need to engineer some type of stand/water tray, hoping to get her into the screen sometime next weeklst.JPGtop.JPG

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
cheap fix for flushing scrog. totes with a drain hole and grommet, put 2L soda crates under the tote for height.
I jus put the crates under my plant and shop vac out as i flush, loss 6" but u can flush without buying a overpriced shallow table.