i can offer a idea to help u get the most out of CFLS
if u remove that attached thing on the back wall ...........convert the power box to a outlet
then hit a home depot and get
the railing they use for shelfs over top ......u just want
the rail 2 of them or a long one cut in half
get a power strip and measure how far apart the mounting holes are on the back of it ..........place the rails inside on that back wall the same distance now u have 2 choice u can take the power strip and mount to a peice of wood then add hooks to the wood..........or attach the hooks directly to the power strip with gorrila glue and carefull working the screw in a plastic only area (if u think u even touched something u should not have replace the strip only attempt this method if u are 100% sure of safety i cracked a 2nd one open and used it to make sure i was no where near it )
the power strip is plugged inside so u can get a short 3 foot cord..........u get some
outlet sockets or even some
Y spilter socket .........u can have 3 to 6 lights and they are adjustable
sorry little stoned hungry and sleepy