First Grow, Both Inside And Outside

kush, ladyburn, lemon skunk 4 days under lights.jpgbagseed ground grow 3rd plant.jpgday 8 bagseed bucket grow.jpgday 8 different shot.jpgwhite domina 4 days old under lights.jpgOK, I thought I would try this stuff, so far, doing ok, I guess. I started with 36 bag seeds, popped 18 out of the soil. I did the paper towel thing on them for 12 hours. Today is day 8 of popping the dirt from seed. I have 8 in 5 gallon buckets, 6 doing ok, 2 not so good. Planted 10 in outside holes, 1 washed away during unexpected thunderstorm, 1 wilted (too much water), the other 8 doing ok. Planted in a mixture of different potting soils, used Peters 13-13-13 during the hole prep a week before planting.
I ordered some seeds from The Single Seed Centre, great place, stealth shipping, got them withing 11 days. Planted 7, 2 vanilla kush, 3 white domina, 1 lemon skunk, 1 ladyburn 1974. They popped soil on Monday., got them under a 1000 watt mh light, 18/6. Prepping 5 gallon buckets for them now, trying a mixture of perlite, worm castings, mollasses, potting mix for a grow medium. These will stay under mh lights, not in a hurry to flower, want to get some size. My veg room is 5 x 8 x 8, got the 1000 watt mh in there, along with some florescents. The room is air conditioned, sitting on 78F all the time.
Once I get ready to flower, they will be moved over to the flower room, 9 x 11 x 8. Right now I have a 1000 hps light on a 6'rail mover and a 400 hps fixed light. The goal for this room is to have 4 each 1000 watt hps lights, all on rail movers. The room will be a perpetual grow, trying to get 3 - 4 plants a month, both from seeds and clones. I do have one more room that is 9 x 11 that I could make into a flower room if I need it. This is all in a small building out on my property. Luckily, I live in the country, no neighbors right up on top of me, but still have a few somewhat close...........Oh, the flower room is air conditioned also, along with a inline fan for the lights and heat exhause. Got it vented thru the ceiling and out the roof.

Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated. Right now I am growing these things like I raise my tomatoes, lol
Just a quick update. I have 7 plants left outside, all are growing nicely now. Biggest ones are about 2' high, really bushy. I topped one, didn't top the one next to it, just playing with them. Big time difference, the topped one has 2 nice stalks, and both are the same size as the one I didn't top. The other 5 are not quite as big, but doing good. If they are all female, I should have pretty good results.
Now on my inside grow, I just put 2 HoneyB's in to flower on Monday. They were 2' tall, came from clones, so I will see how they turn out. I also have 7 plants from seedbank seeds, all looking good, 4 strains, hopefully will be cloning and have the originals ready for the flower room by the end of August. I have 19 HoneyB clones, most are 6" to 1' tall, all in 6" pots. Will transplant to 5 gallon buckets the 3rde week of August, then half in flower at the end of August, the other 9 at the end of Sep. I just planted another 36 bagseeds, some are beginning to sprout today, also planted 2 vanilla kush and 2 White Domina on Monday. All the inside plants except for the bagseed are known females, so hopefully, the yield will be outstanding. This is still new to me, but hopefully, things will turn out somewhat ok. Planning on a perpetual harvest, since I have enough room for 50 - 60 big (6' - 7'tall) plants. Planning on about a 5 month grow from start to end. Had help with the clones, will still mess with some seeds, but cloning is the way to go for quicker results.


IMG_0348.jpgIMG_0347.jpgIMG_0346.jpgIMG_0345.jpgIMG_0344.jpgIMG_0340.jpgIMG_0342.jpgIMG_0341.jpgIMG_0343.jpgJust a quick note and some pics. Got antsy, so put some smaller plants in the flower room, just seeing what they will do. Put them in on 3 different days, so will be interesting. Trying to hold off for a while before I put anything else in, want the plants to be around 3' tall or so before they go in the flower room.
Outside ground grow plants are doing well, have 7 left (6 are really growing nicely). I have placed some of my veg room plants outside today, gonna leave them out for a while. Running out of room in the veg room, plus I want to see if natural sun will make a big difference. I have HoneyB, Vanilla Kush, White Domina, and one Ladyburn in buckets outside.
In the veg room I have several HoneyB's that were cloned. Different sizes, plus I just cut 33 clones on Monday, so it will be interesting to see how they turn out. If things go according to plan, I hope to start cutting in Oct, with a perpetual cutting. Nothing huge, a couple of plants or so weekly, depending on how they grow.
Using nutes on most of the plants now. They were stalling, not showing much growth, even the ground grow, so started to superfeed them nutes and molasses. Big time growth in the last couple of weeks.