First grow beginning setup just started TODAY


Active Member
Just started my first attempt at growing. with that said just picked up 400w switchable to MH and HPS. i am just setting this up and am not finished with the room. i am running this first attempt with soil. i am going to try and make one of the clones i have my mom.
the clones have been outside for the last week in the same pots their in now. i just transferred them in today and i am goin to run them 24/0 under the metal halide. i also have my veg setup going but not sure if its good it came from my old aquarium lighting and is running 1 10000k cf and 1 actinic 6500k im not sure if this is adequate enough let me know
also my 400w is 13 in above tallest paris kush u think it should be higher?

i am going to be adding a 6in exhaust fan and better ventilation. the RH is at about 38% and the temp is at 78 F. any input on completion of room would be nice



Active Member
here is day two still looking good. my temp is to high i need exhaust fan. also this is a nook off of my room and i am thinking about installing a window AC in my room and sucking air from my room into nook. is this a good idea or no?

here is pics of my four paris kush and one seed i had that i germinated.



Active Member
for sure i was waiting on comments to help the the room. thanks. howu suppose i should seperate the veg and flower in the same room?


Well-Known Member
I know this is something you don't want to hear, but your going to have to spend more money.:mrgreen:
Your going to have build a seperate room for flowering. Due to the fact that you'll eventually have to reduce your lighting down to 12-14 hours a day for flowering.
Plus, if you want to keep your mother plant from flowering you'll have to keep it in veg. status under 18 hours of cool light.
You might want to invest in getting some Panda film. I swear by panda film. It leaves no streaks when it needs to be wiped down. Mylar leaves streaks and creates hot spots.


Active Member
cool thanks for ur help. i was aware that i was going to have to seperate eventually for corresponding hours needed. i was just letting my clones grow while i decide what to do with room. my problem is when i start setting up different spaces in the space i have ......i have to figure out how to get good circulation to reduce heat between each section.... flower, mother and veg clones. im going to begin flowering three of the four plants at end of month and move my biggest plant or mother into a separate chamber which i need to create. i will also be picking up more clones in order to find a couple different strains for mothers


Active Member
cool thanks for ur help. i was aware that i was going to have to seperate eventually for corresponding hours needed. i was just letting my clones grow while i decide what to do with room. my problem is when i start setting up different spaces in the space i have ......i have to figure out how to get good circulation to reduce heat between each section.... flower, mother and veg clones. im going to begin flowering three of the four plants at end of month and move my biggest plant or mother into a separate chamber which i need to create. i will also be picking up more clones in order to find a couple different strains for mothers
whats the least amount of light i can use for my mother.....cheapest idea is best?


Active Member
Its called natural sun! Leaves look healthy lil wayne.
easy there hash head hahhah
yeah but even if i leave them outside moms might flower.
so here is day 4 pics i am goin to redo my room this weekend and i will post my plans tomorrow to see what people think.
plants are good.....added some soil to all of them(to the bottom) cuz it looked low
thanks for everyone who is interested!!

o yeah and i am amazed how much that seedling loves the 6500K actinic bulb.....i think i am goin to surround my plants in this



Active Member
so here are the plans sorry i dont have dimensions but i will get them soon. here is what i am planning to do but it is still up for changes here and there. i didnt think about an intake from somewhere? do i need this even though i have and A/C and exhaust fan? my problem is if bring air into this room it will be surely 100 degree air from the attic, i have no other place to bring it in from. let me know what u thing



Well-Known Member
A couple cheap flourescents or CFL's have worked for other people. They do not need that much light for maintenance.


Well-Known Member
They are looking out taking them outside and bringing them indoors. If you get spider mites going indoors it can be a real problem controling them, especially when the plants get big or are into flowering mode.
If I put a plant outdoors I only do if I am going to grow it outdoors.
Spider mites and aphids can demolish a crop if you get them at the wrong time.
Good luck......looking good so far.