First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
use a gallon of water for every gallon of if u had 3 gallon pots then flush with 3 gallons of water..water should be crystal clear by the time ur on the last gallon..good luck!


Well-Known Member
Im in 5 gallon pots... yeah thats what I figured... So ill probably only be able to flush two today and two tomorrow, cause I dont have enough water.


Well-Known Member
use ur tap water man...just make sure u adjust the ph...water where im at is like 7.0...i didn't do nuttin to it...just dumped into the pots..i remember reading that some people flush in there bath tubs...u could always do that too..good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just dont wanna give them bad water... ive got 13 gallons of 6.5 Ph'd water... it will take 20 gallons to flush all 4 plants... suppose I could use the first 2 gallons of shitty PH water then the rest good on them? I dunno, eating with my girl so hit me up with ideas asap!


Well-Known Member
Alright in the middle of flushing, got one plant down, starting on the other three.. will probably take about another hour but then ill put pics up of the process so make sure to peep them out, they will be good to, because it will focus on each plant particularly so you can get an idea of each one of the four I have, and tell me which one is the best :D


Well-Known Member
Well here is the big Picture Update. Here is my agenda rundown, I flushed today, will be doing another big flush on Tuesday. Then Im watering this next sat, and the sat after that (which will be the 12th) then Im going to let them dry up till the 18th and chop them that weekend. Stealing that magnifier from work tomorrow again to check the trichs. Other than that everything seems to be on track, the flush went well, and here are the promised pic, each set is separated by plant so it gives you a better idea on individuality, which one you guys like the best? :D

Plant 1 (Turning purple)

Plant 2 (really fat buds)

Plant 3 (long buds and cola)

Plant 4 (Heavy resin production, only red hairs)

Well whatcha think??? Ideas, thoughts, and suggestions are what I love!!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
man i cant even choose witch one i like the best. damn. maybe the purple one. or the red hairs only. that plant is hott.:] postin new pics up in my threads. you can really see the redish purple hairs:]


Well-Known Member
i like the first one..that shit looks like its got maaaaaaaaaad crystals..from the pics..i think the first one looks the whitest! white is what i like! that shit looks potent!


Well-Known Member
no love? ouch! Well checked the trichs, looked mostly milky, some clear, and a random amber here and there... So I might be harvesting a little early, but Im on a time restriction and there isnt much I can do :(


Well-Known Member
Dude, you'll be more than straight to get out of there by the end of April. Your current plan has you chopping on the 18th anyway, so you should have plenty of leeway. They're looking awesome, though. I can't really choose a favorite, since purple, fat buds, and red hairs are 3 of my favorite things anyway! :)


Well-Known Member
haha hell yah!!! lovin the comments homies! going to try and flush again tomorrow, if not then wednesday. The purple is taking over that one plant!