First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright well he is a nice size pic update. Learning more and more about my hydro, building my own custom drip setup. Should work great and very excited to do it. Here are the ladies. Although I notcied something ontop of the soil on one of my ladies... Any idea what it is? Its white... and I'm kinda suspicious of it. Thoughts or suggestions would be great!

Here is a couple pics of it - Let me know

Here is the bud porno :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
buds look good...but they wont if you let that powdery mildew take over...hydrogen peroxide to kill it..


Well-Known Member
buds look good...but they wont if you let that powdery mildew take over...hydrogen peroxide to kill it..
shit! I knew it was something bad... so what causes this? and just pour hydrogen peroxide on top of it or??? I only see it on this one... but I see a tiny bit on another... should I do this "cure" to all 4 plants?


Well-Known Member
it looks like its only where you watered it. i would scratch some of it off your soil and look at it under a scope. have you smelled it or is it fuzzy.


Well-Known Member
does the white stuff go all they way down to the bottom of your pot? if not just scoop out the white stuff and replace it with new soil. or maybe its salt build up do you shake up the water before you feed the plants?


Well-Known Member
just take out all the loose soil off the top..if its not white under it then u should be fine..just add some fresh soil back to them after


Well-Known Member
doesnt seem like that would cure it... cali said hydrogen peroxcide... but I dont really know what he meant.... and will this effect my buds?


Well-Known Member
yea peroxide will work as a temporary remedy for now. it wont harm the buds but dont over do it. add about 2 tsp per gallon to ur next watering and pour it over the soil. make sure u dont get any on the plants.

peroxide will temporarily sterilize the soil. it should last a cpl weeks and help fight off that mold.
good luck


Well-Known Member
thats if its mold lol. when you get a chance scoop out some of the white stuff and smell it if it smells nasty you have mold. how often do you change your water?