First Grow: Bagseed Surprise!


Active Member
Moved all the kids into their permanent homes. I got six hydro "hempy" buckets and three soil grow. These tomatoes are going to be awesomebongsmilie

Today will be the first full day of veg for all, everyone has a decent amount of water. Plans are to add nutrients to the hydro buckets during the next watering. The soil buckets will be left alone and watered sparingly.

Tallest plant is 3 inches, most are one inch tall. 5/6 of the hydro based plants are mature and into veg state with a few new nodes and at least four fully developed leaves.

The three soil plants were runts and are still working on their first four full leaves.

I will carefully monitor growth to see which method is working best and why also my nutrients will be very basic and will change only if need be or when moving into flowering.

Hope to get pics soon, after bagseed surprize will be Purple Power / Purple Haze Resurection:sleep:


Active Member
Happy Easter! Had a good Easter dinner with the whole fam damnly over. Then got back to my madness...

The day after transplant has come out with interestingly mixed results. Although the smaller plants AKA runts were put into the soil buckets, they look much better then all the other plants!?

Their leaves are crisp and pointed and directing towards the light, the have good strong new growth... There is a problem developing below the surface. I have noticed a white film creeping around the surface of the soil. It was worst on the biggest plant Kimberly but she did not seem to notice it at all. I smashed it down into the soil and mixed it around. If I see it come back I will add perlite to the top layer to hopefuly promote some dryness. I may also look for a mold control sollution. So far nothing to panic about.

The six Hempy bucket plants are another story. All their leaves are pointed down and are drooping. The soil seems moist about an inch down so I have not re watered but I will tomorrow. I also have not added nutrients to the sterilized soil, that will also be going in tomorrow. Hopefully this will kick growth back up but if not I will see how the problem progresses.

A couple basic questions for anyone passing by that wants to comment. Do plants moved to soil tend to move faster then hydro at first?
How can I help prevent this mold from coming back? (using miracle grow moisture control soil sorry...:-()

Thanks and as soon as I find the camera I am getting some pictures up so you can see how much I have learned!

MT Marijuana

Active Member
let see some pics!! I have no exp with miracle grow or mold fortunatly. I'm not too much help.

I'll be watching you...


Active Member
I have located the camera it is being held hostage in my girlfriends purse. I will get some up tonight, I am proud of my babies.

Like I said the soil grow has taken off and growth looks great almost an inch over the last day, leaves are getting huge and have some new development and these guys were the runts.

Hydro grow is still lacking but I hit all six with a total of 2.5L of water today mixed with 10-10-10 nutrients as per bottle instructions. It has only been about 4 hours since watering but I think I have seen some improvement. A few are definitely showing signs of nutrient lack eg: bottom leaves browning and yellowing. some leaves curling and yellowing, nothing widespread and still a lot of green. I think if improvement does not show by tomorrow then I will try another round of watering and then possibly by day three I will throw down a nitrogen supplement if still no improvement.

Thanks for joining up and I still have no idea what I am going to get!


Active Member
Well I thought I would be the target of ridicule and abuse so I took some pictures. Hopefully this learning experience is going to translate into great success when I start the Purps:bigjoint:.

In all I've learned a lot in the last four weeks, I moved from the vegging area to a spot on the floor

Started a fan for circulation and haven't seen any reappearance of the white mold but I am constantly watching.

The hydro plants are being surpassed by the soil and like I said before the soil plants potted were all smaller then the hydro plants a day ago. I decided to go for a mix for two other stragglers I had waiting for pots. I gave them about 50/50 miracle grow moisture control and pure perlite to help with drainage. I layered it and then mixed it a little bit. I topped with perlite and some seedling soil around where I dropped the plants in. I am hoping for excellent results from that with hopefully less feeding then I am dealing with for the hydro plants.

If you have any suggestions just hollar. I am trying to get more reflectolux but it is hard to get free materials. I am planning on covering the whole room with it but we will see what happens.

Until next time I know nothing and I am pretty sure my internet was hacked by someone in another country. Cause I don't have cable on the MOON!!!!:wall:



Active Member
I went through the morning routine and hit the hydro system with another waters and a bigger shot of nutrients. They look like they soaked up a lot of what they got yesterday and I noticed "The Big Kahuna" which has been my strongest plant so far, has grown almost into the lights! I am happy to see him perk back up shoulden't be long now before I raise the lights up.


Well-Known Member
Plants are really looking strong so far. So you think soil is the way to go? I know its worked out great for me so far. I was thinking going DWC next grow but I dont know, soil has spoiled me


Active Member
I am really confident about the soil method. I think it's made healthier looking plants to far, I'll keep you posted on the progress, hopefully the roots will grow to the reservoir in the hempy buckets and I'll have some great things to report.

I added a cool white fluorescent t12, the room is finally feeling nice and warm. I also potted two plants who were way behind the others. I gave them a 50/50 mix of MG moisture control and perlite. I am hoping this combo will produce the best results but we'll find out. After adding more nutrients I did see some progress in the plants growing hydro. I need to splurge on some high quality nutrients before I start another project, that is the key for hydro growing. Also having the nutrients ready and added at the same time as the plant.

In all I'll probably only be delayed a few days, I want to harvest before May 30th. I am setting the light timer off anther hour to an hour and a half every week until I hit 12/12 so that I can move into flowering in time. Since I have no idea what strand this is I don't know when it will complete bu my fingers are crossed.


Active Member
There is a question developing in my head about all this. Although my plants are healthy and strong it seems they have a tendency to droop at certain times. I cannot pinpoint the cause yet but I am thinking it is either heat, or humidity.

I am wondering if I can put a dehumidifier in my grow room, or if I should just work on venting more. If anyone wants to weigh in feel free.

The drooping takes place later in the day. Every morning when the plants get up they stretch out for a good 5 hours and look full and healthy. It's not until about 10-12 hours in that they start to droop. By about an hour before the lights shut off I notice all the plants droop a little. The room does go through pretty dramatic temp changes from night to day due to it's location and the only source of heat is the lights. This could also be a part of the problem. All things to work out on your first run. Thanks for listening and if you got any advice please drop it in.


Well-Known Member
There is a question developing in my head about all this. Although my plants are healthy and strong it seems they have a tendency to droop at certain times. I cannot pinpoint the cause yet but I am thinking it is either heat, or humidity.

I am wondering if I can put a dehumidifier in my grow room, or if I should just work on venting more. If anyone wants to weigh in feel free.

The drooping takes place later in the day. Every morning when the plants get up they stretch out for a good 5 hours and look full and healthy. It's not until about 10-12 hours in that they start to droop. By about an hour before the lights shut off I notice all the plants droop a little. The room does go through pretty dramatic temp changes from night to day due to it's location and the only source of heat is the lights. This could also be a part of the problem. All things to work out on your first run. Thanks for listening and if you got any advice please drop it in.
Mine does that too, I think its a way for the plants to get ready for the night. I wouldnt worry about it unless it happens during the middle of the day, then it might be an issue with watering.


Active Member
Awesome info! I monitored them pretty closely yesterday and came up with that same conclusion. I decided to set my light timer to about an hour after I notice them start to droop to try to catch their cycle better. Also i noticed they pretty much all do it at about the same time 2-3 hours before the lights go off.

I switched over from 19/5 lighting to 17/7. The addition of nutrients has really brought the hempy buckets back and they are picking up speed, they are more compact then the soil one which have really bushed out.

I'm going to hit up organic fertilizer from here on out can't wait to get results!


Active Member
To top or not to top? To FIM or not to FIM? That is my next question. I am hoping for some expert advice here.

021.JPG Bonita is working on the fifth node. Would it be wise to top just below that?

022.JPG Gorgeous George is the largest, I could even possibly FIM as I can reach into the top bud.

024.JPG025.JPG This is part of the Hempy project. Tallest plant by far, but less developed then soil plants.

The rest are Hempy and mixed plants which are still a few days from a decision. Take a look at Juliet, that is a soil/perlite mix. She was the smallest plant starting out.

All of them will be girls :hump:

O who am I kidding I have no idea what this is. I've never seen it before in my life but it sure is fun.:fire::?:


MT Marijuana

Active Member
sure man you could fim or top, it's really kinda the same thing. If your going to fim don't just cut the top off leaves and all and fuckin miss it lol. Pull the very top new leaves apart and you will see where it meets the branch there will be a tiny lil sprout which will become a branch, your goal on a fim is to leave these sprouts and take opp the main top. this way those new sprouts which would normally become branches will now be the top most growing tips and will become the new tops. cut the op off as far up as you can to achieve more tops. it your from seed right? then you should have 2 leaves coming out at a time and then alternating, if this is the case you should get 4 tops. I'm a fan so far, I like to top/fim, then lst a lil and then i'm starting to like putting them under a screen at that point. Peace!! and good luck